Tuesday 17 October 2017

Posted By. Godsfavour

The stubborn pimples can appear any part of your body, even it doesn’t spare your buttock. Like pimples on the face, the butt also gets pimples. Butt acne or pimples on butt are painful, uncomfortable and irritating. Irrespective of their age, both men and women get attacked by pimples on butt. These pimples can be of various sizes. Sometimes they appear as small bumps and some other times they appear as large pimples on the buttock area.

What Causes Pimples on Buttock

There are many reasons due to which a person gets pimples on buttock. But the most common cause is the clogging of the pores due to oil, dirt and dead skin cells.

Sometimes allergic reaction of some creams or body lotions causes itchy bumps on the butt. Butt pimples can also occur due to bacterial infection, which sometimes can become big and ooze out pus.

Wearing tight clothes can be one of the reasons of pimples on butt. The skin cannot breathe properly thus causes more friction on the cloth. As a result, sweat and bacteria get trapped and cause pimples on the buttock area.

Women may also get butt acne due to hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance may trigger production of excess oil, which in turn clogs the pore and makes the skin sticky. This could further lead breakouts in the butt.

If you usually sit for a longer period of time, you may get butt pimples as it puts a lot of pressure on the butt area and the skin of your butt gets very less air to breathe. It also clogs the pores and causes pimples.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples on Buttocks

It is not only painful but also embarrassing if you get pimples on butt. A person feels shy to go to the doctor if he or she gets pimple on the butt. But do not worry if you are suffering from butt pimples or acne like many others because there are many natural remedies that you can use for treating those painful pimples on your buttock at the comfort of your home. Read on to know more about them!

1. Yogurt and Turmeric

The lactic acid content of yogurt makes it a perfect ingredient to treat pimples on the butt. It treats the pimples as well as maintains the natural pH balance of the skin which obstructs the reoccurrence of it. Lactic acid also removes the dead skin cells which clog the pores and causes pimples. It also offers a cooling effect to the painful pimples on the butt.

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of turmeric kill the pimple-causing bacteria. It also checks the reappearance of the pimples on the butt. It soothes the inflamed and painful pimple-affected area of the buttocks.

Things You Need:
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp
•Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp

1.Take the yogurt and turmeric powder in a bowl and a make a smooth paste.
2.Apply it on the pimples on the butt area and leave for few minutes till the paste gets dried completely.
3.Wash the area with lukewarm water, and then pat dry with a clean towel.
4.Follow this process at least 3 times a week to get rid of painful pimples on butt.

2. Yogurt and Lemon Juice

Lemon works as a natural astringent. So its use for the buttock pimple tones the pimples-affected skin very well, thus checks the further spreading of pimples. Its application also reduces excess oil from the skin which often clogs the pores and cause acne.

Things You Need:
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp
•Fresh Lemon Juice – ½ tsp
•Cotton Balls – 2

1.Wash the area with lukewarm water to clean up dirt and impurities from the skin.
2.Mix both the lemon juice and yogurt in a bowl.
3.Apply this mixture on the pimples on your butt with the help of a cotton ball.
4.Wait till this mixture gets dried properly.
5.Wash the area with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.
6.Follow this method daily once to keep away the pimples from your buttocks.

3. Yogurt and Honey Mask

Honey is a good source of antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, which help to treat butt pimples effectively. Honey works as a natural humectant. Its application locks the moisture of the skin and checks the reoccurrence of the pimples on the butt. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritation of the acne-affected skin. It also lessens the pain associated with the pimples.

What You Need:
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp
•Honey –1 tsp

1.Take both the honey and yogurt in a bowl and mix properly.
2.Apply the mixture on the pimple-affected skin of your buttock and leave for few minutes to dry properly.
3.Clean it with lukewarm water and pat dry the area with a clean towel.
4.Follow this home remedy to get away from the painful butt pimples effectively.

Note: Do not wipe the mixture to clean as it may irritate the inflamed skin and make the pimples pain more.

4. Yogurt and Oat Meal

Oatmeal is a good exfoliator and also works as nice a scrub to clean up the dead skin cells. Apart from that, it gives good nourishment to the skin. It hydrates the skin well and makes it healthy.

Things You Need:
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp
•Oatmeal – 1 tsp

1.Mix these ingredients to make a mask.
2.Apply it on the pimples and leave to get dried.
3.Wash it with warm water and pat dry.
4.Regular use of this home remedy for pimples on buttocks can give you good results soon.

5. Apply Olive Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil reduce irritation, redness and pain of the pimples. Also, its antibacterial property kills the bacteria that cause pimples on butt. Olive oil exfoliates the skin well and opens up the clogged pores that cause pimples. The vitamins and antioxidants in olive oil rejuvenate as well as hydrate the acne-affected skin of the buttock.

Things You Need:
•Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 1 tsp
•Wash Cloth – 1
•Hot Water – 1 tub
•Wash Cloth – 1

1.Take the olive on your palm and apply it on the pimples with the help of your fingertips.
2.Massage the oil into the skin at least for 1 minute.
3.Dip the wash cloth in hot water and squeeze out the excess water from it.
4.Place the cloth on your butt area affected with painful pimples and wait till the steam penetrates into the skin properly.
5.Clean the area with cold water and pat dry with a clean towel.
6.Following this process thrice a day may give you good results soon.

6. Lemon Juice and Glycerin

Glycerin works as a good moisturizer and keeps the skin healthy. A healthy skin always obstructs the occurrence of pimples or other skin issues. Glycerin also makes the skin soft and smooth.

What You Need:
•Lemon Juice – 1 tsp
•Glycerin – 1 tsp
•A Cotton Ball

1.Mix both the glycerin and lemon juice together in small bowl.
2.Apply the mixture on the pimples and the surrounding areas with the help of a cotton ball.
3.Leave for 15 minutes, and then clean it with cold water.
4.Pat dry the area with a clean towel.
5.Use this remedy once a day to get rid of painful pimples on your buttock.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a storehouse of antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties, which makes it a very effective ingredient to fight pimples on butt or butt acne. Its use kills the pimple-causing bacteria, dries out the pimples and helps to remove the scars of those pimples.

Things You Need:
•Tea Tree Oil – 1 tsp
•Water – 1 tsp
•Cotton Ball – 1

•Dilute the tea tree oil with water in a bowl.
•Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on the pimples.
•Leave for few minutes so that it dries up properly.
•Clean it off with normal water.
•You will get pimple-free butt soon if you follow this home remedy 2 times a week.

8. Garlic

We all know that garlic is a good source of antibacterial and antifungal properties. So its use kills the bacteria that cause butt pimples. Its use also checks further spreading and reoccurrence of pimples on buttock.

Things You Need:
•Garlic Cloves – 4 to 5

1.Peel the garlic cloves and grind it to make a smooth paste.
2.Apply this paste on the pimple-affected area of your butt.
3.Leave for 30 to 40 minutes, and then rinse off with clean water.
4.Using this home remedy for pimples twice a day will help you to get rid of butt pimples soon.

9. Aloe Vera

The inflammatory properties of aloe vera lessen the pain and inflammation of the pimples on your butt. It soothes those irritated pimples. Also, its antifungal and antibacterial properties kill the bacteria that cause pimples.

Things You Need:
•Aloe Vera Leaf – 1

1.Clean the aloe vera leaf with water and then scoop out the gel from the leaf with the help of a spoon.
2.Apply this on the pimples and the surrounding area.
3.Let it dry completely, and then rinse off with cool water.
4.Follow this natural remedy 2 times a day to get rid of butt pimples.

10. Seaweed Extract and Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice contains glycolic acid which helps to decrease the size of the pimples on the butt. Seaweed is a good source of vitamins and minerals which make the skin healthy thus helps to curb the occurrence of the pimples.

Things You Need:
•Seaweed Extract – 1 tsp
•Pineapple Juice – ½ tsp

1.In a bowl, mix both the ingredients properly.
2.Apply it on the affected area and leave for 20minutes.
3.Clean it with normal water.
4.Apply this mixture twice a week to get pimple-free and smooth buttock.

11. Neem Oil to Cure Butt Pimples

Neem oil is a good source of antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is a very powerful ingredient that you can use to treat butt pimples.

Things You Need:
•Neem Oil – 1 tsp
•Cotton Swab – 1

1.Take 1 tsp of neem oil and with the help of a cotton swab apply it on the pimples on the butt.
2.Applying it 5 to 6 times a day can give you good results against butt pimples.

12. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter contains a good amount of antioxidants which help to clear out toxins from the skin, thus checks the occurrence of pimples. It protects the skin from free radicals that cause acne. Also, its use lightens as well as smoothens the pimple-affected area of your buttock.

Things You Need:
•Cocoa Butter – 1 tbsp

1.Massage your butt area with cocoa butter in circular motions for 5 minutes.
2.Leave for 20 to 25 minutes, and then clean with cold water.
3.Pat dry the area with a clean towel.
4.Follow this natural remedy one time daily to get rid of pimples on butt soon.

13. Baking Soda

Baking soda treats butt pimples by effectively maintaining the balance of the pH level of the skin. It also exfoliates the skin to make it healthy. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help to check acne breakout and soothe the painful and inflamed pimples.

Things You Need:
•Baking Soda – 1 tbsp
•Water – 1 tbsp

1.Mix water with baking soda to make a smooth paste.
2.Apply this paste on the pimples on your butt.
3.Leave for 15 minutes, and then clean it with water.
4.Using this remedy at least once in a day can help you treat butt pimples effectively.

14. Oat Meal, Turmeric Powder and Yogurt

It is one of the effective home remedies for painful pimples on butt. It not only reduces the occurrence of the pimples on butt but also soothes the skin and makes it healthy.

What You Need:
•Roughly Grounded Oatmeal Powder – 1 tbsp
•Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp

1.Mix all the ingredients properly to prepare a smooth paste.
2.Apply it on the pimple-affected areas.
3.Let it dry, and then start scrubbing the area in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
4.Wash the area with normal water, and then pat dry your butt with a clean towel.
5.Follow this home remedy daily once to get pimple-free and smooth buttock.

15. Sandalwood and Turmeric Powder

Sandalwood powder is another useful ingredient that can be used for the treatment of butt acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the skin, decrease the redness and the associated pain of the pimples.

Things You Need:
•Sandalwood Powder – 1 tsp
•Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp
•Water – 1 tbsp

1.Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth and paste.
2.Apply the paste on the pimples and leave for few minutes.
3.Rinse off with water and with a towel pat dry the skin.
4.Apply this home remedy on the pimples daily once to get rid of painful pimples on butt.

16. Sea Salt and Goat Milk

Sea salt is a good source of minerals and goat’s milk is replete with vitamins. So this combination is a good choice to treat butt acne. This remedy also makes the skin healthy by exfoliating it properly.

Things You Need:
•Sea Salt – 1 tbsp
•Goat’s Milk -1/2 cup
•Cotton Ball -1

1.Mix sea salt in the goat’s milk.
2.Apply this mixture on the pimples with the help of a cotton ball.
3.Wait for few minutes till it dries completely.
4.Use normal water to rinse it off.
5.Follow this process at least once a week to get rid of pimples on your buttock.

17. Tomato Pulp and Apple Cider Vinegar

Tomato is a good source of antioxidants which protects the skin from the acne-causing free radicals. It fights the acne by maintaining the pH balance of the skin. It cleanses as well as exfoliates the skin to make it healthy.

Like tomatoes, ACV also maintains the pH balance of the skin. Its use cleanses the skin of the dirt and impurities that cause acne on butt. Its antibacterial properties kill the pimple-causing bacteria.

Things You Need:
•Apple Cider Vinegar – 1tsp
•Tomato Pulp – 1 tbsp

1.Mix both the ingredients well.
2.Apply the mixture on the pimples of the butt area.
3.Leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
4.Clean with normal water and pat dry the area with a clean towel.
5.Use this home remedy once daily to get away with painful pimples on the butt soon.

18. Carrot Juice and Lemon Juice

Carrot is a storehouse of Vitamin A, which is essential to keep our skin healthy. So when it gets combined with the astringent properties of lemon, it works effectively to combat the pimple issue on the butt.

Things You Need:
•Carrot Juice – 1 tbsp
•Lemon Juice 1 tbsp
•Cotton ball – 1

1.Mix both the ingredients well.
2.Apply the mixture on the pimples and the adjacent area with the help of a cotton ball.
3.Let it dry, and then rinse off.
4.Follow this home remedy once daily to treat and keep the pimples on the butt at bay.

19. Cream of Tartar and Water

Cream of tartar helps to detoxify the body which in turn checks the occurrence of pimples on the butt.

Things You Need:
•Cream of Tartar – 1 tbsp
•Water – 8 Ounces

1.Take 8 ounces of water in a glass and mix 1 tbsp of cream of tartar in it.
2.Drink it to flush out the toxins from your body.
3.Drink this solution once daily to be away from pimples on butt.

20. Aspirin for Butt Pimples

Aspirin paste also proves to be a very good remedy that you can use to treat painful pimples on butt.

Things You Need
•Aspirin Pills: 4 to 5
•Lukewarm Water – 1tbsp
•Yogurt – 1 tbsp

1.Take the aspirin pills and crush them to make a powder.
2.Mix water and yogurt with the aspirin powder to make a paste.
3.Apply this paste on the pimple-affected area of your butt and let it dry.
4.Rinse off with water and pat dry with a clean towel.
5.Use this remedy once daily to get good results against butt pimples.

21. Ice Cube Remedy

You can go for this remedy if your pimples are extremely painful and if there is pus in them. The coolness of the ice will soothe the pimples, reduce the pain and decrease the inflammation to a great extent. Simply rub few ice cubes on the affected area to get instant relief from the painful pimples on your buttock.

How to Prevent Pimples on Buttocks

It is always wiser to take precautions to prevent the ailments or diseases affecting us at the first place than to go for the treatment. Taking precautions also help to check the reoccurrence of those ailments.
•Follow certain hygienic measures to protect your booty from getting affected with painful pimples. Clean your butt properly twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.
•Exfoliate the skin around your butt area with an exfoliating cream and loofah. Exfoliation will remove the dead skin cells, clean the dirt and impurities and will make the skin healthy.
•Wear loose fitting cotton underwear so that your skin can breathe and the cloth can absorb the sweat. Change your underwear often.
•After sweat sessions like exercise and yoga, change the dress as soon as possible. Take a bath immediately after a workout to remove dirt, sweat and bacteria from the skin. Keep the area oil free by dusting some baby powder after bath.
•To make your skin healthy and free from pimples, drink plenty of water. It will flush out the toxins from the body.
•Sitting in one place for a longer period of time is one of the main reasons of butt pimples. So sit less or do not sit in one place for long hours.
•Avoid eating oily and fatty food. Do not eat junk food. Have a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
•Do not pop the pimples on your butt as it may worsen the situation and make it more painful. It can also infect other areas.
•Wash your clothes with the soap that is non-allergic soap to avoid irritation and further spreading of pimples on butt.
•Do not use fragranced toilet papers. There is a chance that if you already have butt pimples, it may worsen it.

Pimples on buttock is not a major health issue and you can take care of this situation by using various available home remedies. But after trying out the above-mentioned remedies for pimples on butt, if this issue does not subside, then it is advisable to see a dermatologist. It is also advisable to use the home remedies with caution and care

Saturday 14 October 2017

Posted By. Godsfavour

Our ear is a clever mechanism, which may be divided into three parts. The visible part together with the ear canal is called an external part. The small bones which amplify the sound we hear is known as the middle part. The middle and external parts are separated from each other by an eardrum.

The inner part is the last part of your ear and it plays a very important role as it converts the sound you hear into electrical waves, which are then sent to the brain. Various bacteria, viruses, or fungi may attack each of these parts and when that happens we deal with an ear infection.
Doctors usually treat ear infections by antibiotics, however, they are not always necessary. If you react quickly, you can get rid of the problem naturally and quickly. It may sound surprising, but all you need to get is good quality medical olive oil.
However, before you find out how to use olive oil to cure an ear infection, find out what the causes and symptoms of this condition are.

What Are The Causes of Ear Infection

There are various reasons of ear infections, but the most frequently it is a consequence of the infection of the upper respiratory system, thus, it’s always very important to fully cure all the conditions. It also happens when the tube which connects your ear to the back part of your nose, known as Eustachian tube, is smaller. A cleft palate may be to blame as well.
Some more trivial matters can also be responsible for an ear infection as you may get it when the plane ascends or descends and the air pressure changes. Your ear can also get infected with polluted water, for example, when you swim in a dirty lake. It’s also important to dry your ears thoroughly after swimming or showers.
On the other hand, you shouldn’t clean your ears too thoroughly. Never put anything to your ear, just flush it with water while showering. Otherwise, you can also lead yourself to an ear infection.

What Are The Symptoms of Ear Infection

Different types of infections may give various symptoms. Some of them, however, are common to all of them. In case of an ear infection, for sure you will experience an earache, which is often accompanied by headache. Some ear discharge may also appear and you can have the impression that the sound is muffled.
You may also hear a buzzing or humming sound in your ear or ears and the area of your ear may be red, irritated, or itchy. Blisters in the canal of the ear or on the outer part of your ear may appear too. Additionally, an ear infection is often accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, or vertigo.

Olive Oil And Ear Infection

Using olive oil for ear infections is actually a very old tradition, unfortunately, currently forgotten and replaced by chemical medications. We should come back to this method as it’s natural, safe, and effective.
You may not know that but olive oil has wonderful antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic qualities. What’s more, it can also soothe your infected ear and help you get rid of all the bacteria, viruses, or fungi, which caused the infection.
Olive oil can also help you if your Eustachian tube is blocked as it can quickly clean your ear. It can clear your ears form excessive earwax too. It’s very important that no dirt or earwax accumulated in your ears as it’s a very common cause of infections. Olive oil may also reduce inflammation or prevent the damage of your cells due to the presence of polyphenols and antioxidants.

How to Use Olive Oil For Ear Infection: Best Home Remedies

If you don’t want to use antibiotics for your ear infection or simply you or your child get it so often that you’ve started to look for another solution, try olive oil. It won’t harm you, but it can help you get rid of your ear infection quickly, naturally, and with no side effects.

1.     Warm Olive Oil

That’s probably the easiest way of using olive oil for ear infections as all you need is about two tablespoons of olive oil and an ear dropper. However, it’s important to warm the olive oil up for a while, but cool it down and make sure it’s only warm and not hot.
When the olive oil has the right temperature, use the dropper to apply about two or three drops of it into the infected ear or both if required and close it with a cotton ball. You can follow this process twice a day.
When olive oil is heated, it has wonderful remedial qualities for an ear infection as it can soften the wax and help you eliminate the infected earwax. It can also alleviate pain and reduce inflammation that often accompanies ear infections.

2.     Olive Oil and Cloves

Olive oil will be even more effective if you use it with other ingredients. A good option is to mix it with cloves. You simply need to blend three or four cloves so that you get a powder. Mix the powder with two tablespoons of olive oil and lie down with your infected ear directed upwards. Apply around four drops of the mixture into the ear.
Stay in this position about ten minutes and then tilt in the opposite side to remove the solution from your ear. Repeat with your other ear if it’s infected too. Clean your external ear with a clean cloth if any of the oil remained in your ear. Follow the procedure at least twice a day.
Olive oil itself has wonderful properties, but cloves will intensify its remedial effect as they have antifungal, antiseptic, and germicidal qualities. They may help you kill the bacteria, viruses, and fungus, which are responsible for your ear infection.

3.     Olive Oil and Garlic

You can feel immediate relief from pain and inflammation caused by an ear infection if you mix olive oil with another powerful ingredient, which is garlic. This natural antibiotic can successfully kill bacteria and viruses. It’s also a great antioxidant and it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Prepare one clove of garlic, crush it and mix it well with three tablespoons of olive oil. Leave the mixture for a few minutes and then strain it to separate the garlic. Place your head so that your infected ear is up. Use an ear dropper to apply a few drops of the mixture into your ear. Stay in this position for about fifteen minutes. Tilt to your other side and remove the mixture from your ear.
Repeat the process with your other ear if it’s infected too. Follow the procedure at least twice a day and you should feel a positive difference after a few days.

4.     Olive Oil and Peppermint Oil

In order to treat your ear infection you can also try a beneficial combination of olive oil with peppermint oil. It will be enough to mix two tablespoons of olive oil with about four drops od peppermint oil.
Use an ear dropper to apply the mixture into your infected ear. Keep it up, though, and stay like that for about ten minutes. Remove the mixture and repeat with your other ear if it’s infected too. You can do it twice a day.
Peppermint is quite strong so after the application you may feel a burning sensation in your ear, but it will go away once you remove the mixture from your ear. This powerful solution will kill the bacteria which caused your ear infection as peppermint oil has great antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties.

5.     Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also a good option for curing your ear infection as it can regulate the pH level in your ear. Combine it with wonderful olive oil and you will get a powerful remedy for your ear infection. With this method you should get rid of your problem very quickly.
The method is very simple to use. You just need to mix three tablespoons of olive oil with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Warm up the mixture on a medium flame for a few minutes. When it cools down, lie down with your infected ear directed up. Use an ear dropper to apply around five drops of the mixture into your ear.
Keep the solution in your ear for about ten minutes so that it will go deeper into your ear. Remove the mixture and repeat with your other ear if it’s infected too. Follow the procedure at least twice a day and you should quickly feel a positive difference.

6.     Olive Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has amazing antiviral and antibacterial qualities, which may help you  eliminate the culprits of your infection. It can also successfully halt the infection in the early stage and prevent it from further development. When combined, tea tree oil and olive oil may quickly alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by your infection.
Simply mix two tablespoons of olive oil with four drops of tea tree oil. Heat the mixture on a medium flame for a few minutes. Apply two or three drops of the solution to your infected ear or ears. You can do it with the use of an ear dropper.
The mixture should stay in your ear for around ten minutes. After that time remove it from your ears and gently clean the external part of your ear with a soft cloth. If you follow the process twice a day, you should quickly get rid of your infection.

7.     Olive Oil and Cinnamon

Olive oil will be even more powerful in fighting your ear infection if you combine it with a pinch of cinnamon. It can quickly relieve that pain, reduce inflammation, and kill the bacteria that caused your infection.
Simply add a pinch of cinnamon to two tablespoons of olive oil. Warm up the mixture for a minute and wait until it cools down a little. When it has the body temperature, strain the mixture to get a pure liquid. Apply three drops into the affected ear.
Leave it for about ten minutes and then remove it from your ear. Gently clean the external part of your ear with a soft cloth. Follow the procedure twice a day and you should quickly eliminate the problem of an infected ear.

8.     Olive Oil and Lavender Oil

This is a wonderful combination that is effective, but at the same time gentle. Therefore, it can be used by both adults and children. Lavender oil has wonderful antiviral and antibacterial qualities. It can also help you remove the infected wax from your ear.
All you need to do is mix one tablespoon of olive oil with five drops of lavender oil. Warm up the mixture a little bit as it removes the earwax better then. If you want to use it for a baby, just gently massage the external part of the ear with the mixture.
In case of youngsters or adults apply a few drops of the mixture into the infected ear or ears. You don’t have to clean it. Follow the procedure twice a day and you should feel the relief from an ear infection quickly.

9.     Olive Oil and Onion

Onion is probably one of the cheapest and easiest remedies for various infections. For sure you have this ingredient in your kitchen so the moment you feel that an ear infection starts, go for it to eliminate it quickly.
You need to prepare a small amount of olive oil and onions which your previously grated. Put the ingredients in a small saucepan and warm it up for several minutes. Onions will release a remedial juice during the heating process. Leave it for about fifteen minutes to cool down.
Strain the mixture so that you get a pure liquid only. Apply a few drops to your infected ear or ears. Leave it there for a few minutes and after that time remove it from your ears. Clean your ear area gently. Follow the procedure twice a day.

10.  Olive Oil and Mullein

Mullein flowers can bring you quick relief from pain and inflammation that result from an ear infection. They can kill the bacteria and viruses which may be responsible for your condition. You will find dried mullein flowers in herbal stores.
You simply need to make some tea with the mullein flowers. One teaspoon of the herb for a half cup of boiling water will be just enough. Cool it down and mix one teaspoon of the tea with one teaspoon of olive oil. Leave it overnight and in the morning apply a few drops of the solution into the affected ear. Do it with the use of an ear dropper. You can follow it even a few times a day and you should quickly get rid of the infected ear.

Some Extra Tips

Olive oil itself or when combined with other ingredients is a powerful remedy to various ear infections. However, you should know some helpful tips to make it even more effective and safe.
The most important thing you should remember about is that you must use special medicinal olive oil as it’s sterilized and therefore you can safely pour it into your ears. Never use the olive oil which you have in the kitchen and use for cooking as it’s a completely different type of olive oil, which can’t be used in ears.
If after a few days of home treatments your ear infection doesn’t seem to clear up, go to your doctor immediately. An ear infection when left untreated may be very dangerous and can even damage your ear permanently. In some cases simply an antibiotic therapy is required or it may turn out that the earache you’ve been suffering from is not caused by an infection, but by some different disease.
If there is any risk that your ear drum is ruptured, don’t use the treatments with olive oil as it can be dangerous to your ear. In such a case, consult your doctor first.
Before you start using olive oil to your ear, make sure that you are not allergic to it or other ingredients you mix with the olive oil. An allergy may only make your condition worse. Therefore, for the first application of olive oil into your ear use just a drop and check if it doesn’t cause any unpleasant reactions.
When you suffer from an ear infection, make sure that you clean and dry your ears thoroughly after a long contact with water, for example after swimming, showers, or baths. It’s especially important when you swam in a lake, river, or a public swimming pool as the water in such places may be contaminated with some dangerous bacteria.
A good preventive measure is to apply a few drops of olive oil into each ear before you have a swim or shower. You should especially do it if you often suffer from ear infections. Olive oil won’t let water enter your ears. It’s also important to dry your ears carefully every time you had a swim. In general, you should avoid swimming until you cure your ear infection.
As you may have noticed the most of the remedies with olive oil require warming it up. When you do it, however, make sure that it’s not too hot when you apply it into your ears.
The temperature of the olive oil is very important as when it’s cold it doesn’t have such a strong beneficial effect. However, when it’s hot, it can damage your ear. A lukewarm temperature is perfect as it can dissolve the wax in your ear, but it’s at the same time safe.
When you suffer from ear infections, cover your ears when you go outside, especially if the weather is windy as it can make your ear infection more severe. Thus, always put a cap on your ears or cover it with some scarf.
It may sound surprising, but when you deal with an ear infection, you should cut down on dairy products as it can make your ear more painful and swollen. In general, it’s better to avoid dairy products if you often suffer from an ear infection as some studies have shown that it may be a possible culprit of your problem.
As an ear infection may sometimes be caused by a sudden change of the air pressure, you can try a simple trick when you travel by a plane. Just chew a gum when the plane ascends or descends as it can boost the muscle which sends air in the inner ear and can quickly equalize the air pressure in your ear.
A very common mistake is a bad technique of drying your ears. The key rule is that you should never insert anything to your ear when you dry it. You can clean an external part of your ear with a soft cloth and if you’re afraid that your inner ear is wet, dry it with your hair dryer. Remember, though, that it should be set at a low temperature. Also, don’t keep the hair dryer too close to your ear.
Another common mistake is using buds to clean your ears from wax. Actually, you should never insert anything into your ear. The only safe way of removing wax from your ears is by flushing it with water. However, if the wax produces in normal amounts, it should remove naturally, on its own. What’s more, you need some wax in your ear as it keeps a healthy environment in your ear.
Posted By. Godsfavour

You need your tongue to talk, to swallow, and to taste food. When this strong muscle is healthy, it should have a pink color and it’s covered with papillae, which are small nodules. When some dead cells, bacteria, and food parts accumulate between the inflamed papillae, you may notice a white coating on your tongue. It’s quite a common problem, which isn’t serious, but it may lead to a bitter taste in your mouth or it can cause bad breath. Learn more about the causes of white tongue, how to get rid of the problem and how to prevent it in the future

What Are The Causes of White Tongue

White tongue is mainly caused because of the inflammation of the papillae, which cover your tongue. The inflammation usually appears as a result of dehydration or dry mouth, smoking, fever, and drinking too much of alcohol.

Your diet is important too as food which is rich in sugar or highly acidic foods may also cause a white coating on your tongue. Not taking proper care of your oral hygiene may lead to the problem as well.
Another common cause of white tongue is oral thrush. You should mainly suspect it if a white coating on your tongue appeared after taking antibiotics as oral thrush is a kind of a yeast infection. Apart from a white coating, you may also suffer from a burning sensation in your tongue and the corner of your mouth may be irritated and painful.
A white tongue is usually harmless and you can easily get rid of it by drinking a lot of water and other fluids which don’t contain sugar. You may also try various home methods, which will help you quickly eliminate the problem.
However, you need to be aware that very rarely a white coating on your tongue may be a symptom of some more serious diseases. One of such conditions is known as leukoplakia. It happens when your organism produces too many cells and proteins, which you can see as white patches on your tongue. The condition is rarely dangerous, but it should be controlled by a doctor as there are cases when it’s cancerous.
Oral lichen planus is an immune type of a condition which may cause a white coating on the tongue, but also a burning feeling or pain. Syphilis may cause a white tongue too. It’s a condition which is transmitted sexually so if you know that you might have got it, consult your doctor as you will have to take antibiotics to get rid of it.
A condition which may be mistaken with a white tongue is known as geographic tongue. It occurs in form of thick, white layers of coating on your tongue. Moreover, spicy or salty food may cause some pain too. A white tongue may also be one of the symptoms of some very serious and life-threatening conditions, such as HIV and mouth or tongue cancer.

How to Get Rid of White Tongue: Best Home Remedies

If a white tongue is not a symptom of any disease that requires a medical treatment, you can quickly get rid of it thanks to several natural, home remedies.

1. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera has wonderful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, it can successfully eliminate the problem of a white tongue, especially if it also causes bad breath. In fact, Aloe Vera is often used in treating various oral conditions.
It’s also very easy to use as you only need two tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice per time. Swish one tablespoon for a few minutes in your mouth and spit it out. Then drink the other tablespoon of the juice. You can follow this procedure a few times a day for around two weeks. After that time the problem of a white tongue should be eliminated.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful substance with wonderful antibacterial qualities. Thus, it can effectively kill the bacteria that have built up on your tongue. Additionally, it will have a positive effect on your teeth too as it will make them whiter. There are different hydrogen peroxide solutions available, but for oral cavity, three percent would be the best option.
In order to prepare a remedial mouthwash, you need one part of hydrogen peroxide and two parts of water. Soak a toothbrush in this mixture and scrape the tongue, but be gentle. Then thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water. You can follow the procedure even four times a day. Remember, though, not to swallow hydrogen peroxide.

3. Oil Pulling

The technique of oil pulling comes from an old Ayurvedic tradition and it can help you get rid of a white tongue especially if it’s caused by oral thrush or other yeast infections. What’s more, oil pulling may also help you clean your organism from toxins.
The technique of oil pulling should be done in the morning, when your stomach is still empty and you haven’t brushed your teeth yet. You can use coconut oil or sesame oil here.
You just need to put one tablespoon of a chosen oil in the mouth and swish it for fifteen minutes. Do it thoroughly so that the oil gets between your teeth and under your tongue, but don’t swallow or gargle it.
After about fifteen minutes the oil should turn milky or yellow which is a sign that the toxins were removed from your mouth. Now you can spit the oil out, rinse your mouth with warm water and brush your teeth. Do it once a day until you see that a white coating on your tongue has reduced.

4. Vegetable Glycerin

If the problem of a white tongue appeared mainly as a consequence of dry mouth, vegetable glycerin might turn out to be very effective. It can also help if you suffer from bad breath. You will find vegetable glycerin in the shops with healthy food.
Just apply a small amount of vegetable glycerin on your tongue and gently brush it with a soft toothbrush for a few minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Repeat it twice a day until your tongue turns pink once again.

5. Take Probiotics

If a white tongue is caused by the development of candida fungus, taking probiotics might be a good idea as they are rich in L. acidophilus and B. lactis cultures. They can effectively control the development of fungi and bacteria in your oral cavity.
You can take the powder from a probiotic capsule and mix it with some water. Brush your teeth with the use of your regular toothpaste and then use the mixture as a mouthwash. Swish your mouth with it and then swallow it. You should drink a glass of water afterwards. Do it once a day for a week.
You can also include probiotics into your daily diet in the form of a natural yogurt. However, choose the one that contains live cultures. You should drink one cup of the yogurt a day. Of course, you can also take capsules with probiotic three times every day.

6. Use Salt

Salt is probably one of the cheapest and at the same most effective remedies for a white-coated tongue. It can naturally scrap all the debris from your tongue. What’s more, salt has wonderful antiseptic qualities and it can eliminate bacteria which are responsible for bad breath.
Salt is also very easy to use. Just apply some salt on your white tongue and gently scrub it with a toothbrush for about a minute. Wash it off with warm water. Do it twice a day and after a week you should see a significant difference. You can also prepare a mouthwash with salt. Just add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Use it to gargle a few times a day and you should quickly get rid of a white tongue.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another cheap way to get rid of a white tongue quickly. It’s a natural exfoliator, which can wonderfully clean your tongue from all the debris and dead cells. It can also neutralize acids in your oral cavity, which will help you to maintain a good pH level in your mouth.
You can use baking soda in the form of a paste. To obtain it you need to mix it with a little amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply it on your toothbrush and rub your tongue with it. Then wash it off with warm water. It’s enough to do it once a day to get rid of the problem quickly.
You can also mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and use the mixture as a natural mouthwash. Use it twice a day after brushing your teeth. It will eliminate a white coating from your tongue and reduce bad breath.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric contains a very powerful compound known as curcumin. It has wonderful antibacterial properties which can effectively remove the bacteria from your tongue and prevent its further development.

Prepare your own paste by mixing ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your tongue and rub it with a toothbrush for a few minutes. Wash it off with warm water. It will be enough to follow the procedure once a day to get rid of a white tongue quickly.
Another option is to add ½ teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of water. Use it as a mouthwash twice a day and you will soon forget about a white tongue.

9. Indian Lilac

A less known, but very effective remedy to a coated tongue is Indian lilac, also called neem. It can effectively clean your tongue from fungus, bacteria, and yeast due to its wonderful antibacterial and antifungal properties. It’s also believed that neem can purify your blood from toxins. You will find Indian lilac in a store with herbs or healthy food.
Pour a glass of water to a pot and add there one tablespoon of dried neem leaves. Boil it until the water reduces to about a half of it. When it cools down, use it as a mouthwash, but remember to rinse your mouth with water afterwards. Repeat it twice a day and you will quickly get rid of a white tongue.

10. Colloidal Silver

If a white coating on your tongue appeared due to yeast development in your mouth, colloidal silver might turn out to be very effective. It has antifungal and antimicrobial qualities, and it’s safe for your oral cavity. It can eliminate bad breath too.
Mix one part of colloidal silver with one part of water. Put it in your mouth and swish for about five minutes. After that time spit the mixture out and wash your mouth with water. Repeat it at least twice a day to eliminate the problem of a white tongue.

Other Treatment Options

If a white-coated tongue is not a symptom of any disease, you should get rid of the problem quickly using one of the above described solutions. What’s more, it’s often just enough to drink a lot of water to clean your tongue from the coating.
However, if a white tongue is a sign of some disease, then the treatment depends on the condition. Remember, though, that only your doctor can give you the right diagnosis.
If what you’ve been suffering from is leukoplakia, you probably won’t need any special treatment. Usually it’s just enough to have a regular check-up at your dentist’s to control it. However, if you don’t want your condition to get worse, you should give up smoking and avoid alcohol.
Oral lichen planus doesn’t need any special treatment as well. However, if it doesn’t clear on its own, your doctor will recommend you some steroid spray to your mouth. You can also dissolve steroid pills in water and use the solution as a mouthwash.
Oral thrush usually needs some antifungal medicines, such as a lozenge, a pill, a gel, or a liquid that can be applied on your tongue. You should also take supplements with probiotics or drink one cup of probiotic yogurt a day as it can help you restore the balance of good bacteria in your mouth.
However, in case of oral thrush, you should avoid other dairy products and sugar. Instead you should include spices that have antifungal qualities into your diet. These include cloves, sage, cinnamon, oregano, and garlic. Make sure that you provide your organism with a proper amount of vitamin C as well.
Syphilis requires an antibiotic therapy. The most common one is penicillin taken in one dose only. You may have to take it longer if you have been suffering from syphilis from more than a year.

How to Prevent White Tongue

Once you get rid of the problem with a white tongue, you should also know what measures to take in order to avoid it in the future. The majority of the tips is connected with introducing some good changes into your everyday life. Often, it’s just enough to drink a lot of water and have a healthy diet to prevent the problem permanently.

1. Stay Hydrated

The most common causes of a white coating on your tongue are dry mouth and dehydration. We are often unware of the fact how easily we can get dehydrated. Actually, every time you feel thirsty means that you are dehydrated. Therefore, to avoid it you should drink water throughout the whole day, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Of course, the amount of water you drink on a daily basis will also depend on the climate you live in, how active you are, and how much you weigh. However, on average, you should drink about eight glasses of liquids a day. Always have a small bottle of water in your bag so drinking water will become a routine for you.
If you are seriously dehydrated, you may observe such symptoms as headaches, urinating infrequently, or your urine may be dark. You may also feel exhausted.

2. Give Up Smoking

Smoke from cigarettes contains a lot of chemicals, which are harmful for the tissues in your oral cavity. Moreover, when you smoke, you increase the risk of developing bumps or inflammation on the surface of your tongue. That, in consequence, makes it easy for all the debris to accumulate on your tongue. Bacteria just love such an environment.

3. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is another common culprit of bumps and a white coating on your tongue. When you drink alcohol regularly, your tongue may get inflamed easily and there is a higher risk of developing a white coating.
What’s more, drinking alcohol contributes to dehydration, which is also a cause of a white-coated tongue. Therefore, drink alcohol only on special occasions and even then drink it together with a large amount of water.

4. Take Care of Your Oral Cavity

Proper oral hygiene is crucial if you want to prevent a white tongue. This is actually the best way to eliminate various bacteria from your mouth.
Therefore, never skip brushing your teeth and do it thoroughly at least twice a day or even after every meal. When you brush your teeth in the morning, don’t forget about brushing your tongue too. After you brush your teeth you should rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
Optionally, you can prepare your own mouth wash with salt. You just need to add about ½ teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. When you put it in your mouth, don’t spit it out immediately, but hold it for a moment in your mouth and swish it. It’s also good to gargle with your head back. Don’t swallow the mixture, but just spit it out.
If you don’t want to use any mouthwash, at least gargle with water. If you often deal with a white tongue, your dentist may prescribe you a stronger mouthwash too.
It’s also important to choose a good quality, fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with a soft bristle. You should floss your teeth at least once a day too. Moreover, your dentist should check your oral cavity every six months.

5. React Quickly

Every time you notice the first white patches on your tongue, you should try to remove them quickly. You can simply use your regular toothbrush to do it. It’s worth using a toothpaste as it will also eliminate bad breath. When brushing your tongue remember to be gentle, though, as otherwise you may irritate your tongue, which might be painful.
You may also buy a special toothbrush equipped in a tongue scraper on the back. You can use it to scrape the debris and dead cells from your tongue. Don’t reach too far into your throat, though, as you may gag yourself. Also, don’t press the scraper too hard as if you cause irritation, you may develop an infection in your oral cavity.
You must also understand that it’s better to prevent the problem than later cure it. Therefore, pay attention to your everyday diet too. It should be rich in fruit and vegetables as they naturally hydrate your organism and they provide it with vitamins and minerals. They will make your immune system strong and will create an environment in your mouth that bacteria don’t like to develop in.

When to Seek Medical Help

If a white coating on your tongue is the only symptom you’ve observed, you probably don’t need your doctor’s help. However, if the problem doesn’t go away after a few weeks, you should make an appointment.
Don’t postpone the visit if you’ve been suffering from other symptoms such as a painful tongue or a burning sensation in your mouth. Any open wounds in your oral cavity should be checked by your doctor immediately. Problems with swallowing, talking, or chewing require an immediate consultation with a doctor. A white tongue should also be diagnosed by a specialist if it appears together with a skin rash, fever, or weight loss.
Posted By. Godsfavour

The Definition of Pink Eye

Pink eye is known as conjunctivitis in the medical world. It’s a common infection, which makes your eyes red, swollen, and itchy. The condition is caused by either a virus or bacteria and it spreads from person to person very quickly.
If your pink eye is caused by viruses, it usually clears up on its own after two to four weeks without following any special treatment. In case of a bacterial infection it may either go away on its own or sometimes it needs topical antibiotics.
If your pink eye lasts for more than four weeks or it happens to you frequently, it has probably become chronic conjunctivitis, which requires a medical consultation.

The Symptoms of Pink Eye

The word conjunctivitis comes from a word conjunctiva which is the transparent membrane in your eye that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of your eyeball. When tiny blood vessels in the conjunctiva get inflamed, you may notice that the whites of your eye become pink or red. It’s the first symptom of pink eye.
In general, eye infection can be caused by a virus, bacteria, some irritant, or an allergy. Some infections are sexually transmitted too and they cause such diseases as chlamydia or gonorrhea. The symptoms of all the types of infections are very similar, but there are some differences.
If your pink eye is the consequence of bacteria that entered your eye or eye area, it will probably last two to four days if you use antibiotics or about ten days if you deal with it without any antibiotics.

In case of bacterial pink eye, the white part of your eye may be pink, you may also feel a burning sensation in your eyes, and suffer from excessive tearing. Your eye may be painful or your eyelashes may be stuck together because of the crust that develops during the night. Your upper eyelid may be swollen too.
Viral infections are characterized by very similar symptoms, but the fluid your eyes secrete is usually more watery. The most common viruses which cause pink eye include adenovirus, herpes simplex, varicella zoster, picornavirus, poxvirus, or even HIV.
If your pink eye is the consequence of a virus, it shouldn’t be treated with antibiotics. It will simply go away on its own, but it usually takes around three weeks. It’s also very contagious for about ten days, when your eyes remain red.
Allergic conjunctivitis is very common as well, it’s estimated that even 40 percent of all the eye infections are caused by allergies or eye irritation. The main difference between a viral or bacterial infection and an allergic infection is that the former may affect only one eye while the latter usually influences both eyes.
The most common allergens, which are responsible for eye infections include animal hair, pollen, and dust. Allergic conjunctivitis is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as a runny nose or sneezing.
If your pink eye is caused by an irritant such as dirt, dust, or some chemical, it’s not an infection then. It will simply go away on its own after a day or two when you flush the irritant away. It usually makes your eye itchy or watery, but once it’s removed from your eye, the symptoms go away.
Another type of eye infection is chlamydial conjunctivitis, which is a disease that transmits sexually. It’s a bacterial type of infection mainly caused by chlamydia trachomatis. It’s transmitted from your genital areas through your hands to your eyes.
What’s interesting is that genital infection often doesn’t give any symptoms, but they reveal when they get into your eye. The symptoms are usually the same as in case of viral and bacterial infections so your eye will be pink, there can be some mucous discharge and your eyelashes may be stuck with crust, the eyelids may be inflamed and swollen.
Another disease which is sexually transmitted too is known as gonorrhea. You can get this disease when bacteria from your genital area spread to your eyes, the disease is then known as gonococcal keratoconjunctivitis.
The condition may be really serious and if it’s ignored for too long it can even lead to vision loss. Both chlamydia and gonorrhea require a treatment with the use of topical antibiotics.
For sure you need to be alarmed if you have observed such symptoms as poor vision or the impression that there is something in your eye. Your eyes may also be sensitive to light, you may experience headaches with nausea. In case of such symptoms, consult your doctor.

Home Remedies for Pink Eye

If your pink eye is not a consequence of some more serious disease, it usually  doesn’t need any special treatment. However, the symptoms might be quite annoying and they also don’t look attractive. Therefore, you may also try some home safe home remedies which will help you to get rid of the problem fast.

1. Green Tea Compress

For sure, you’ve heard that green tea is healthy for your organism and that it’s worth drinking it between the meals. However, you can also use this wonderful beverage externally to treat pink eye. Green tea is rich in bioflavonoids, which may successfully help you reduce inflammation and irritation of your eye caused by viruses or bacteria.
Just dip a bag of green tea in boiled water for two or three minutes and when it’s still warm, but not hot, place it on your affected eyelid. Another option is to make a glass of green tea and soak a clean cloth in it, which you then use a warm compress.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric has wonderful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be really helpful in eliminating pink eye. In order to use it you need to boil around two tablespoons of turmeric powder in one cup of water.
Dip a cotton pad or a cloth in the solution and use it as a warm compress. Remember, though, that it shouldn’t get into your eye as it may additionally irritate it.

3. Holy Basil

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has wonderful healing qualities. This amazing herb can reduce inflammation quickly and soothe your irritated eye. It can also protect your eyes from free radicals and environmental damage. tulsi also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, thus, it can bring a positive effect in every type of eye infection.
You need fresh or dried tulsi leaves, which you need to soak in boiled water for about ten minutes. You can dip a cotton pad or a cotton ball in the liquid and use it as a warm compress. Another option is to use the liquid as a natural eyewash.

4. Colloidal Silver

You should always have colloidal silver at home, especially if you often suffer from pink eye. This wonderful substance can sometimes be even more effective than antibiotics as when you apply it on your irritated eye, the infected cells are destroyed by small silver colloids. They simply catch them with electromagnetic properties and then send then to your blood stream, which later eliminates them.
All you need to do is to apply some colloidal silver on a cotton pad and wash your eyelids with it. Do it every day in the morning and in the evening and you should quickly get rid of your pink eye.

5. Aloe Vera Gel

For sure, you have heard about wonderful properties of aloe vera, especially when it comes to our skin. Apparently, it may also be used to eliminate pink eye when used externally. The most powerful compounds of aloe vera are known as amodin and aloin. The can successfully fight bacteria and viruses, but they also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
It’s important, though, not to let aloe vera gel enter your eyes. Just place it on your eyelid or around the eye. Luckily, it’s not difficult as aloe vera gel is quite thick. The best way to obtain the most beneficial aloe vera gel is by cutting a fresh leaf of this amazing plant.

6. Neem Oil

Neem oil is very gentle for your skin as it has wonderful soothing properties. What’s more, it also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, which makes it a great remedy to pink eye. It can actually help you relieve the symptoms no matter what causes the condition.

It’s also very simple to use neem oil as you simply rub it in the area around your eye and your eyelid. Do it with gentle, circular movements and it it’s just enough to do it once a day, before going to bed. You should see a positive difference after a few days.

7. Honey

Honey is a natural remedy to various condition. We use it when we have a cold, when our throat is irritated or when we want to moisturize our skin or hair. Apparently, some studies have proved that honey may also be a wonderful solution for your eye infection. What’s more, some people who dealt with chronic pink eye have reported that it was honey that finally helped them.
A great effect of honey on various eye diseases was already known in the ancient times. Moreover, a famous Greek philosopher Aristotle was among the first recorded people who used honey for treating eyes. This wonderful substance was also used in Mali and in ancient Egypt. Even in the medieval English people used it to deal with eye conditions.
Honey is probably so effective because it is a natural antibiotic, which also has great anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it’s extremely important to use top quality honey. The ones which you can get in the supermarket often contain some artificial additives. Thus, it’s recommended to use honey from a proven and ecological source as only then it has its wonderful properties.
The type of honey is not so important, but for sure manuka honey will be a good choice because it’s rich in dihydroxyacetone, which can be useful in eliminating pink eye.
In order to prepare a remedial mixture boil ¼ cup of water for around five minutes and then leave it to cool down. Add there ¼ teaspoon of raw honey and wait until it dissolves. The water may be warm, but not hot as it can kill the wonderful qualities of honey. Optionally, you can also add there a pinch of sea salt.
Put the mixture into a clean eye dropper and apply one or two drops in each eye. You can use it even a few times a day if needed. After a few days you should notice a considerable improvement.

8. Salt Water

So called saline, which is simply sterile salt water may bring you immediate relief when you deal with an irritated eye. For sure you can get some eye drops in your pharmacy which contain saline, but actually you can also easily make your own solution.
You just need two ingredients – salt and water. You can use the salt from a grocery store or a supermarket, but it’s important to get the one which is uniodized as it doesn’t contain iodine. Rock salt and sea salt aren’t good options too as they often contain some chemical additives, which may be harmful for your eyes. It’s also recommended to use distilled water as it’s free of any potential impurities. However, boiled water can be used as well.
Prepare 9 grams of salt per one liter of water or one teaspoon of salt per one cup of water. Simply dissolve the salt in the water. Keep it sterile by storing it in a sterile container with a lid so that no microorganisms will enter the mixture. You should use it within a few days so it’s good to write the date on the container.
Use it as an eye wash by dipping a cotton pad in it and cleaning your eyes. You should feel immediate relief and after a few days your pink eye should be eliminated. You can also use this simple solution to treating small cuts, wounds, or new piercings. Unfortunately, this mixture is not suitable for taking care of your contact lenses.

9. Potatoes

One of the easiest and cheapest remedies for pink eye you will find in your kitchen. You may not have heard that but common potatoes actually have powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
To get the most from the potatoes, however, you need to use them raw. Simple take a fresh potato and slice it. It’s good if the slices are cold. Simply apply a slice on a closed eyelid and stay like that for about ten minutes.
You can also place it on your healthy eye as it can be helpful if your eye is tired. You should feel immediate relief from eye irritation. Repeat it in the morning and in the evening.

10. Breast Milk

Breast milk is a truly powerful substance produced by a human body. Various studies regularly show new and surprising qualities of breast milk. Apparently, it may also be helpful in getting rid of pink eye due to the content of antibody known as immunoglobulin A, which may protect the surface of your eye from bacteria.
The fact that infants who are breast fed very rarely get eye infections, confirms the fact that is has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, if you have access to breast milk, simply apply a few drops of it on your eyelid and around your eye area. After a few days, your pink eye should significantly reduce.

11. Compresses

A very easy, yet effective method of reducing various eye infections and irritations, especially if they are accompanied by swelling. Simply apply a warm or cold compress on the irritated eye.
In case of a cold compress you can use a few ice cubes or frozen vegetables wrapped in a clean cloth. Apply it on your closed eyelid and keep it for a few minutes. Remember not to hold it for too long as it may cause further irritation of the eye.
In case of a warm compress, you can simply soak a clean cloth in hot water and apply it on your eye. Make sure, though, that it’s not too hot. Leave it on your eye until it cools down. Repeat it a few times. You can use the compresses a few times a day. It’s also a good idea to alternate a warm compress with a cold one.

12. Herbal Tea

Herbal teas may help you get rid of pink eye naturally and quickly. The ones which are the most useful when it comes to eye conditions include chamomile, calendula, fennel, and eyebright.
The best way to use herbal teas is by simply making tea and using a warm tea bag as a warm compress on your eye or you can rinse your eyes with the tea. Actually, you can use them also in case of tired eyes. Herbal teas can quickly eliminate inflammation, irritation, and swelling.
Additionally, you may also take eyebright orally either in form of tea or a capsule. In case of chamomile and calendula, make sure that you are not allergic to them. Also, don’t use them if you are pregnant or breast feed. If you drink herbal teas, it’s good to add there a pinch of salt as then it can also have astringent qualities.

How to Prevent Pink Eye

The most common type of pink eye is a virus and bacterial one. They are very easily transmitted from a person to person. It’s just enough to touch your infected eye with your hand and later leave the bacteria or virus on different objects. Therefore, the most of preventive measures you can take is connected with proper hygiene.
The most important rule is to wash your hands thoroughly every time you touched your eyes or face or after you used some medicines in the eye area. It’s also important not to share your makeup tools and cosmetics.
If you noticed the first symptoms of pink eye, avoid makeup until you get rid of the problem. Otherwise, you can infect your makeup products and once you cure the condition, you can reinfect yourself. If you know that any of your makeup products or tools may have been infected, simply throw them away.
The same rule applies to contact lenses. You shouldn’t wear them as long as your eyes are infected, but just switch to glasses for a while. Also, before you wear them again, clean them thoroughly.
Never share some eye-related products with other people, such as towels, pillows, linens, handkerchiefs, or eye medicines. Every time you look into someone else’s eye or help them use some eye medicine, wear protective gloves and wash your hands afterwards.
Remember to protect your eyes with glasses when it’s very hot, cold, or there is a strong wind as otherwise your eyes may get irritated. Also, safety glasses are a real must if your work with some chemical substances.

When to Seek Medical Help

In most cases pink eye is nothing serious and you can quickly get rid of it with home remedies, without any special treatment. However, sometimes it may develop into something more serious, which requires a medical consultation.
If instead of typical symptoms of pink eye you also observed additional, worrying symptoms, such as pain in your eyes, bright redness of the eyes, or when you vision is blurred and your eyes are sensitive to light, go to your doctor at once.
Posted By. Godsfavour

One of the most common types of headaches you can suffer from is a tension headache at the base of your neck. It may be quite painful and cause some discomfort so if the problem affects you too, find out what the possible reasons and remedies for this type of headache are.

A Definition of a Headache

When you start your fight against headaches, first get to know your enemy and learn what types of headaches can be enumerated.

By headaches we understand pain and discomfort in our head or some part of the face. Headaches vary depending on the person. They can be strong or mild, occasional or chronic, serious and insignificant. They may appear in almost every part of our head or face.
A network of nerves which is located over your scalp is a common culprit of headaches. The muscles which can be found in your head, shoulders, or neck, and nerves that run through your face and mouth may be responsible for your headaches as well. Also, blood vessels which run along the surface and base of the brain may be the cause of a headache.
Tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches are three main types of headaches, which can happen to us. The most frequent type of a headache is a tension headache. It usually appears at the back of the neck and it’s usually a consequence of stiffened muscles and too much stress in everyday life.
Migraines are very troublesome types of headaches as apart from pain you can also experience other unpleasant symptoms, such as vomiting or sensitivity to light. What’s more, migraines often occur periodically and once they attack you, they don’t want to go away for even a few days.
Cluster headaches are probably the worst as the pain you experience is severe and it can last for a few weeks or months. The pain usually appears on one side of the head, usually behind one eye, which may also be watery or reddish. A blocked nose might be an accompanying symptom as well.
All kinds of headaches are also classified as primary or secondary ones. We talk about a primary headache when it’s a predominant problem. A secondary headache, on the other hand, is just a symptom of some underlying medical problem. For example, eye problems often result in headaches.

The Causes of a Headache at the Base of the Neck

In medical terms a headache at the base of your neck is called an occipital neuralgia. This type of a headache occurs when there is pressure on your occipital nerves or they are irritated by something.
This type of a headache usually appears as a consequence of neck injuries, stiff muscles in the neck, or tension in the neck. Other causes include some disorders of cervical disc and osteoarthritis. The most dangerous source of pain at the back of the neck is a tumor, luckily, it doesn’t happen often.
The inflammation of blood vessels, diabetes, and gout are also among the causes of occipital neuralgia. Also, if you do dynamic sports or you experienced some accident, it’s possible that you strained some muscle, which is actually quite a common cause of pain at the back of the neck.
If the movement that led to the injury was really quick or sudden, you may have even torn or ruptured your muscle, which may also lead to inflammation and swelling.
The most common cause of headaches at the base of the neck, however, is actually a bad posture of your body. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and don’t do any sports regularly are more likely to develop a headache at the base of the neck. What’s more, even when we sit, we have a bad posture too, tending to lean our head forward.
Particular muscles, joints, and ligaments hold our head up, but when our body posture is poor, there is too much pressure on them. If we don’t change our bad habits, the muscles get stiff, weak, and they lose their flexibility. A headache at the base of the neck is the consequence of this bad routine.
The level of serotonin and endorphins in your brain may also lead to tension headaches as they are chemicals that have the ability to prevent pain. Every time they suddenly go up or down, you may experience as a headache at the base of the neck.
People with osteoarthritis may suffer from a headache at the base of the neck as their spinal structure has been worn. Bony outgrowths, knowns as osteophytes or bone spurs, form putting pressure on the soft tissues, such as our nerves.
Another condition of a cervical spine is known as a disc herniation. It happens when your disc was pushed outside as a result of too much pressure. In consequence your nerves may be irritated and sensitive, which of course may cause some pain at the base of the neck.
People who are over fifty may sometimes develop a condition known as occipital bone osteoporosis, which may lead to tension headaches as well.
Also, have a closer look at your sleeping position as bad body posture may strain your neck muscles or result in a stiff neck. You should sleep on your back and it’s recommended to stabilize your neck. A headache at the base of the neck is also a problem of people who have chronic sleeping difficulties.
In rare cases a cancer develops in the bones of a cervical spine. Luckily, the majority of tumors are benign and your doctor will suspect it only as a last option if your headache is chronic and it doesn’t respond to any medical treatment.

How to Find the Cause of Pain

As you can see there are various causes of a headache at the base of the neck. Therefore, if it’s not just an incident and it starts to worry you or the pain is so severe that it doesn’t respond to over-the-counter painkillers, consult your doctor.
As there are so many possible causes of a headache at the base of the neck, your doctor will have to run some medical tests and perform a thorough evaluation. Therefore, you will have to describe your headache in details. Tell the doctor what the exact location of your headache is and when it occurs.
Try to recall when the headaches started and if some position of your body triggers the pain. Your doctor will also ask you about your lifestyle, stress in your everyday life, any sleeping difficulties or if you’ve experienced any injuries recently.
During the examination a physical test might be performed as well. The doctor might, for example, perform a common test known as a nerve block, which will quickly tell him if you suffer from occipital neuralgia. He will simply blunt your nerve and if it brings you relief from pain, it’s a proof that it’s an occipital neuralgia what you’ve been suffering from.
Your doctor may also press various points at the back of your head to check if it causes any pain. Your blood compounds may also give your doctor some information about your headaches, thus, you will need to have blood tests done.
If basic tests don’t show your doctor the cause of your headaches, he can also recommend you x-rays or MRI which stands for magnetic resonance imaging as it will give a detailed picture of the structures of your body.
He may also require a computed tomography scan which is the most detailed one as apart from organs and bones, it also shows your fat and muscles. However, be aware that CAT scan or MRI scan are required only if your symptoms are atypical and your doctor has a problem with diagnosing your headache.

Possible Treatments of a Headache at the Base of the Neck

Right diagnosis is actually the key to find the best treatment for your headache as the therapy depends on the cause of your pain.
Fortunately, there are some methods you can try on your own at home. They won’t treat the cause of your problem, but they will bring quick, though, temporary relief from pain. If your pain is only occasional and it isn’t a sign of any serious condition, these solutions might appear really helpful.
Every time you suffer from a headache at the base of the neck, you should have a rest in some quiet place and you can also apply a warm compress on the neck. A delicate massage can also help. Do it on your own if you can reach a painful place or ask a friend or a family member to do it for you. Try some safe, over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
If your headache occurs because of a muscle injury, your doctor might prescribe you some muscle relaxants or when over-the-counter medicines don’t work, he may recommend you some stronger painkillers. If you don’t use muscle relaxants or painkillers too often, they are safe and can effectively relax strained muscles and bring relief from pain.

If your headache is the result of rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor will probably prescribe you corticosteroids. They will successfully reduce pain and soothe the inflammation of your joints.
If the cause of your headache at the base of the neck is stress or depression, some doctors decide to prescribe antidepressants. Remember, though, that it’s not the solution to your problem as it only cures the symptom, but not the cause. You should start a therapy with a psychiatrist or psychologist, who will help you to deal with you mental problems.
In case of a pinched nerve or a compressed disc your doctor may recommend you so called neck traction. It’s a strap which is placed at the back of your nape and below your jaw. It will reduce the pressure from your ligaments and muscles.
Steroid injections and a nerve block may successfully eliminate pain for a few weeks or months, but similarly to antidepressants, it’s only a symptomatic treatment, which won’t solve the problem, but a symptom only.
A so called chiropractic treatment is a good option for people who don’t like taking medicines regularly. A chiropractor manipulates on your spine in order to restore a proper alignment to your spinal column. It usually helps to release the tension and reduce the pain.
If you don’t respond to any treatment and the headaches are so strong that you can’t lead a normal life, there is still an option of a surgery. It’s a last resort, though, which will be recommended to you only if nothing helps you. If the problem is in your blood vessels that put pressure on your nerves, an operation known as microvascular decompression might help.
Stimulation of the occipital nerve is another interesting idea. During the operation the surgeon uses a neurostimulator in order to carry electrical pulses to your occipital nerves. This way, your brain won’t respond to pain messages.
There is one treatment, which is suitable for everyone, no matter what the cause of your headache is. It’s a physical activity. There are special exercises, which are safe and don’t require much of your time, but can effectively reduce headaches at the base of the neck.

Physical Exercises for a Headache at the Base of the Neck

The following exercises are considered to be safe for everyone. However, it’s always recommended to consult your doctor before you start doing them. As the irritation of the occipital nerve is the most common cause of a occipital neuralgia, exercises may be incredibly helpful. You need to do them regularly, though.
One of the easiest exercises you can try is known as neck rotation. You may either sit or stand while doing the exercise, but it’s important to keep your head in a straight line with your spine. All you need to do is to rotate your head to the left and right.
While doing it, hold your head straight and try to stretch as far as possible, but stop if you feel any strain or pain. Hold for a while and move back to the starting position. Repeat it a few times every day. It’s a great exercise because you can even do it at work.
A sub-occipital neck stretch in another amazing exercise. Sit comfortably in a chair where your back is well supported. Hold your neck and spine in a line with the spine. Now place your pointer and a middle finger of your right or left hand on your chin. Try to push your chin back, but be gentle.
Keep your mouth closed while exercising and just move your head back. You should feel a slight stretch at the sides and at the back of your neck. Stay in the position for a few seconds and repeat it a few times.
If you want to work a little bit on the flexion and extension of your neck, you can do an easy exercise. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands placed on your knees. Keep your head and neck in a straight line with the spine. Now, lean your head back so that you are able to look at the ceiling. Move back to the opening position.
Try to lean your head forward now, trying to touch your chest with the chin. Move back to the opening position. You should do this ten times every day.
No matter what kind of headaches you suffer from, you should start doing exercises that originate from yoga practice. It will relax not only your stiff muscles, but also your mind and such a combination is a wonderful remedy to headaches.
One yoga pose which might be exceptionally helpful is known as savasana. It’s a position in which you need to fully relax your body and mind. Thus, lie down on your back in a quiet and peaceful place. Put a pillow under your head to support your neck. It’s recommended to tie your eyes for even greater relaxation.
Keep your legs in a natural position, your arms at your sides with palms facing up. Try to stay like that for around thirty minutes, concentrating only on your breathing, try not to think about anything, just empty your mind from all the thoughts.
At the beginning you will probably fidget and it will be difficult for you to calm down your thoughts. You can start with staying in the position for just a few minutes and every day trying to stay a little bit longer.
You will see that after a few unsuccessful attempts, you will learn to bring yourself in the state of deep relaxation, which might be extremely helpful in getting rid of headaches at the base of the neck.

Can You Prevent Headaches at the Base of the Neck

If you know that your headache at the base of the neck is not a consequence of some serious condition, you need to observe it and try to recognize what triggers it and then avoid this factor. Nevertheless, there are some general tips which might help you eliminate the problem.
The first thing you should do is working on your body posture. Remember not to lean forward, instead sit and walk straight. If you need to sit a lot at your work, walk along the room from time to time or do a few, quick stretching exercises. Moreover, make sure that you have a chair with a solid backrest that keep your back straight.
Another key rule is to be physically active as a strong, healthy spine can significantly reduce the risk of getting headaches at the back of your neck. Also, if your muscles are weak, they are more susceptible to injuries and stiffness. Thus, work out regularly, at least three times a week, including some weightlifting exercises for a strong body.
Another piece of advice might sound surprising, but there are some scientific studies which have proved that too much of food enhancers may lead to various types of headaches. The most dangerous is apparently Monosodium Glutamate. It turns out that some people are sensitive to this compound, which results in headaches.
If you use a small amount of it, that’s not a problem. Often, however, we are even not aware that it can be found in several food products. Therefore, read labels while doing shopping and try to avoid it for a few weeks to check if that’s also your issue.
Nitrates and amines are also substances which may be the consequence of headaches. Nitrates can be found in lima beans, yeast bread, and chocolate. Amines are mainly used in highly processed food, such as bacon, hamburgers, hot dogs, and salami. Thus, avoid these products as well.
On the other hand, there are also some food products which should be the part of your diet if you want to eliminate your headaches. For example, omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fish, are considered to be a very important factor in the fight against headaches. Eat fish at least three times a day or take capsules with fish oil.
Another powerful food product is ginger, which promotes the release of thromboxane A2, a substance which helps you to have proper blood flow and this may effectively prevent headaches at the base of the neck.
You should also make sure that you take a proper amount of magnesium as it has been proved that it can release the tension in your muscles, which may be the culprit of your headaches, especially if you are a woman and you suffer from them before menstruation.
Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to take a proper amount of magnesium from food only. Therefore, you should also supplement it in the amount of minimum 200 mg a day.