Tuesday, 10 October 2017

17 Most Effective Home Remedies for Genital Itching

Posted By. Godsfavour

Genital itching is a very uncomfortable and sensitive health condition that makes the person restless most of the times. Actually, it is not a disease; rather it is a symptom of some other diseases that is related to the genital. Genital itching can affect both men and women alike.

What Causes Genital Itching

Allergy and irritation in the genital area are considered as the major causes of an itching sensation in the genital area. However, there are also many other reasons that cause genital itching.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Yeast Infection
Pubic Lice
Tinea Cruris
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Fungal Infections
Genital Warts
Vulvar Cancer
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema
Atrophic Vaginitis
Precancerous Changes of the Skin
How to Treat Genital Itching Naturally
Genital itching is a very sensitive issue, which needs to be treated as soon as possible. If it is not treated at the earlier stage it may affect the person heavily both physically as well as emotionally.
Though there are many over the counter drugs available on the market to treat this condition, you can go for using various effective home remedies to get rid of genital itching. These remedies are not only safe and useful but also convenient as you can prepare and use them in the comfort of your home.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of antifungal and antibacterial properties. So the use of apple cider vinegar can treat genital itching if it caused due to fungal infection or yeast infection by killing the bacteria. At the same time, the acidic pH level of the apple cider vinegar also kills the yeast and fungus. Its use also prevents the reoccurrence of the genital itching.

Method 1: ACV Wash
What You Need:
Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 tbsp
Warm Water – 2 cups


1. Take two cups of warm water and add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to it.
2. Mix it properly and use this mix to wash the infected genital area.
3. Leave it to dry on its own.
4. Follow this process 3 times a day and at least, for two days to get rid of genital itching naturally.

Method 2: ACV Soak
What You Need:
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tbsp
Warm Water – 1 cup
A Clean Cotton Cloth
1. Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the warm water.
2. Soak the cotton cloth in the diluted apple cider vinegar for 2 to 3 minutes.
3. Place the cloth on the genital area.
4. Repeat the process twice a day till you get complete relief from the itching sensation of the genital.

Method 3: ACV Bath
What You Need:
Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 cups
Warm Water – a bathtub
1. Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water and mix well.
2. Soak your body in this mixed water for at least 15 minutes.
3. Following this process twice daily will help you to get rid of genital itching if it is caused due to yeast infection.

Method 4: ACV and Tea Tree Oil
What You Need:
Apple Cider Vinegar – 3 cups
Tea Tree Oil – 3 to 4 drops
Warm Water – a bathtub
Add the apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil to the bathtub of warm water and mix well.
Soak your body in this water for 15 minutes.
Repeat this process 2 times a day to get rid of genital itching that is caused because of yeast infection.
Note: For all these above ACV remedies for genital itching ensure to use organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized ACV, which contains mother in it.

2. Salt and Water
The antibacterial property of salt can remove the bacteria from the infected genital area, thus is helpful to treat the itching.

Method 1: Salt Water Wash
What You Need:
Salt – 1 tbsp
Water – 1 glass
1. Add 1 tbsp of salt to1 glass of water and mix it thoroughly.
2. Use this salt water to wash your genital whenever you feel an itching sensation in that area.
Salt Water Bath
What You Need:
Salt – ½ cup
Warm Water – a bathtub
1. Add ½ cup of salt to a bathtub of warm water and mix properly.
2. Sit inside the tub in squatting position.
3. While sitting open the vaginal walls or the outer covering of the penis so that the salt water can kill the bacteria fully.

3. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel can very well treat genital itching in both men and women if it is caused due to yeast infection. The antibacterial properties of aloe vera kill the candida albicans bacteria that cause yeast infection, which is considered as one of the major causes of genital itching. It also contains enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the inflamed genital area.
What You Need:
Aloe Vera Leaf – 1
A Knife
A Spoon
1. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash it with clean water.
2. Cut one side of the outer skin of the aloe vera leaf with the help of a knife.
3. Take out the gel with the help of a spoon.
4. Apply the fresh aloe vera gel to the itching genital area.
5. You can also consume 4-6 oz of aloe vera juice daily to increase your immunity power to fight with the Candida albicans bacteria internally.
Note: Breastfeeding and pregnant women, people suffering from heart, liver and kidney diseases should avoid the oral consumption of aloe vera juice.

4. Garlic
Garlic has strong antibacterial and antibiotic properties that kill the bacteria that cause infection and itching in the genital area. The oral consumption of garlic also improves the immunity power of the body to fight back the infection-causing bacteria.
Method 1: Garlic and Vitamin E Oil
What You Need:
Garlic Oil – few drops
Vitamin E Oil – 1 tsp
Cotton Ball – 1
1. In a small bowl mix both the garlic and Vitamin E oil.
2. Soak a cotton ball in this mixed oil.
3. Apply it on the itching genital area and leave for 10 minutes.
4. Wash the area with warm water.
5. Use this remedy 2 times a day till you completely get rid of genital itching.
Method 2: Garlic Paste Application
What You Need:
Garlic Cloves – 7 to 8
Cheese Cloth
1. Take the garlic cloves and make a fine paste.
2. Tie the paste in a cheese cloth and place it on the itching genital area.
3. Use this remedy when you get the itching sensation.
4. You can also consume 2 to 3 cloves of garlic every day to prevent as well as get rid of genital itching.
5. Yogurt

Plain yogurt contains active lactobacillus acidophilus cultures which help to maintain the microflora and natural bacteria in the vaginal area. The consumption of yogurt can increase the good bacteria in the body by killing the bad bacteria. Its use can treat genital itching successfully it is caused due to yeast infection.
Method 1: Plain Yogurt Application
What You Need:
Unsweetened Pure Yogurt – 1 cup
Cotton Ball – 1 to 2
1. Apply the plain yogurt to the itching genital area with the help of a cotton ball.
2. It will immediately stop the itching sensation and soothe the inflamed area.
3. Use this remedy whenever you get the itching sensation in the genital area.
Method 2: Yogurt Soaked Tampon
What You Need:
Plain Yogurt – 1 cup
Tampon – 1
1. Take 1 cup of yogurt and soak a tampon in it.
2. Insert the tampon into the vagina and leave for 2 hours.
3. Follow this method twice daily till you
get rid of vaginal itching completely.
4. Both men and women can consume at least 2 cups of plain yogurt daily to increase the good bacteria count in the body to fight the infection that causes genital itching.

6. Honey

Honey is a rich source of antiseptic, antifungal and soothing properties. The use of honey helps to get rid of genital itching naturally by treating the microbial infection.
Method 1: Direct Application of Honey
What You Need:
Unpasteurized Honey – 2 tbsp
Cotton Ball – 1 to 2
1. Apply the honey on the itching genital area with the help of a cotton ball.
2. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash it with warm water.
3. Repeat this remedy twice daily to treat genital itching at home.
Method 2: Honey and Warm Water
What You Need:
Unpasteurized Honey – 1 to 2 tbsp
Warm Water – 1 glass
1. Add 1 to 2 tbsp of honey to the warm water and mix well.
2. Drink this honey water twice daily to prevent the infection and genital itching internally.

7. Basil Leaves for Genital Itching
The antimicrobial, anti fungal and anti bacterial properties of basil leave kill the bacteria that cause genital itching.
Method 1: Basil Tea
What You Need:
Basil Leaves – A handful
Water – 1 cup
1. Take the basil leaves and wash them to clean.
2. Take 2 cups of water in a saucepan and boil it in medium flame.
3. When the water starts boiling add the basil leaves to it.
4. Off the flame and cover it with a lid to steep the basil leaves in the boiling water for 20 minutes.
5. Strain it and drink this basil tea warm.
6. Take this drink 2 times a day to get rid of genital itching successfully.
Method 2: Basil Wash
What You Need:
Basil Leaves – A handful
Water – 2 cups
1. Clean the basil leaves in water and crush them to make a paste.
2. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan and the basil paste to the boiling water.
3. Off the flame and cover it with a lid.
4. Allow it to steep for 15 minutes.
5. When it becomes cool, use this basil water to clean the genital area.
6. With every use, this remedy will decrease genital itching for sure.

8. Rosemary Leaves
The use of rosemary leaves also helps to treat the genital itching issue successfully.
What You Need:
Rosemary Leaves – A handful
Water – 2 cups
1. Take 2 cups of water in a saucepan and boil it in medium flame.
2. Off the flame and add the rosemary leaves to it.
3. Cover it with a lid and let it steep for 15 minutes.
4. Strain it and use this rosemary water to wash the infected genital area.
5. Use this rosemary wash twice a day till you get rid of genital itching completely.

9. Saffron

Saffron is an age-old remedy that is used to treat infections and inflammation in the vaginal canal.
What You Need:
Saffron – 8 to 10 strands
Water – 8 ounces
1. Take 8 ounces of water in a saucepan and boil it in medium flame.
2. Add the saffron strands to the boiling water.
3. Boil it till the infusion is reduced to half a cup.
4. Take 2 tbsp of this saffron once a day in the morning to treat genital itching naturally.

10. Indian Lilac
Indian lilac which is also known as neem is a powerful home remedy to treat genital itching. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of neem treat the genital itching issue successfully by killing the bacteria and reducing the itching sensation.
Method 1: Indian Lilac Wash
What You Need:
Indian Lilac Leaves – A handful
Filtered Water – 2 cups
1. Boil 2 cups of water in medium flame.
2. When water starts boiling, add the Indian lilac to it.
3. Leave for few minutes to boil properly.
4. Off the flame and leave it for some time to become cool.
5. Strain it and use this to wash the genital area.
6. Follow this remedy once daily for few weeks to get rid of vaginal itching completely.
Method 2: Indian Lilac Oil
What You Need:
1. Neem Essential Oil - 4 to 5 drops
2. Lukewarm Water – 1 bowl
1. Add the neem essential oil to the lukewarm water and mix well.
2. Use this water to clean your vaginal area to prevent as well as treat genital itching.
3. Follow this remedy twice daily for few weeks to treat genital itching.

11. Kefir
Kefir, a fermented dairy product, is a rich source of probiotics, means it is a rich source of good bacteria which protects our body from the bacterial attack. The use of kefir can kill the bacteria that cause yeast infection and genital itching.
What You Need:
Kefir – 1 cup
A Tampon
1. Take the tampon and soak it in 1 cup of kefir.
2. Insert the tampon into your vagina and leave for 2 hours.
3. Follow this process twice daily to combat the genital itching issue naturally.

12. Cranberry Juice
The acidic content of cranberry juice creates an environment that becomes almost impossible for the bacteria or the yeast to survive and grow. Consumption of cranberry juice kills the bacteria and cures genital itching.
What You Need:
Cranberry Juice – 1 glass
1. Drink cranberry juice twice daily to get rid of genital itching successfully.

13. Boric Acid
The antibacterial properties of boric acid help to treat the genital itching that is caused due to infections.
What You Need:
Water – 1 cup
Boric Acid - 1 tbsp
1. Dissolve the boric acid in water.
2. Apply the solution to the affected genital area.
3. Leave for 1 to 2 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
4. Repeat this every day once to treat genital itching effectively.

14. Goose Berry Powder
Gooseberry is loaded with anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Apart from that it also contains a lot of other vital nutrients that can boost the immunity power of the body which in turn will fight the bacteria that cause genital itching.
What You Need:
Goose Berry powder – 1 tsp
Water – 8 ounces
1. Take 8 ounces of water in a glass and mix 1 tsp of goose berry powder in it.
2. Take this goose berry drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
3. Following this remedy at least for 4 days can give you great relief from genital itching.

15. Cold Compress
This remedy offers a soothing effect to the itching genital area. This remedy can give you sound sleep during the nights when the itching in the genital area becomes severe.
What You Need:
Ice Cubes – 7 to 8
A Clean Cloth
1. Take the ice cubes in a clean cloth and tie.
2. Place the cloth with the ice cubes on the itching genital area.
3. Follow this process whenever you feel an itching sensation in the genital area.

16. Alcohol
The antifungal properties of alcohol also help to cure genital itching. Apart from that it also keeps the area dry, thus prevents the further spreading of the bacteria.
What You Need:
Alcohol – 2 to 3 tbsp
Cotton Ball – 1
1. Dip the cotton ball in alcohol.
2. Apply the alcohol on the affected area.
3. Following this process can give you instant relief from genital itching.

17. Lady’s Finger
Lady’s finger treats the genital itching issue effectively by killing the bad bacteria. It also increases the resistance and immunity power of a person, thus helps to fight back the bacteria that cause infection and itching sensation in the genital area.
What You Need:
Lady’s Fingers – 5 to 6
Water – 2 cups
1. Clean the lady’s fingers in water and then cut them into small pieces.
2. Take 2 cups of water in a saucepan and add the lady’s finger pieces to it.
3. Boil it for 20 minutes or until the water becomes thick and slimy.
4. Strain and drink it.
5. Consume this lady’s finger water several times a day to get rid of genital itching.
How to Prevent Genital Itching
Genital itching surely places you in an embarrassing situation and you just feel helpless as well as restless in that particular period of time. You want to get rid of it as soon as possible but at the same time, you also wish that it never comes back to you again. Following the tips that are mentioned below can help you immensely to prevent genital itching successfully.
Maintain Proper Personal Hygiene:
Keeping your body clean is one of the most important things to keep genital itching at bay. You need to take bath every day to keep clean the genital area. You also need to use cotton underwear and change it daily. After using the toilet, ensure to wipe from front to back. Men should clean the penis including the area under the foreskin.
Avoid Using Irritants: Sometimes the use of chemical products, such as fragranced toilet paper, perfumed vaginal spray, panty liners, perfumed powder, bubble bath, etc., cause vaginal itching and also worsen the situation. Avoiding the use of these products can prevent genital itching to a great extent.
Wear Loose Clothes: If you are prone to genital itching, then choose to wear loose clothes.
Proper air circulation to the genital area will keep it dry as well as cool, thus will prevent genital itching.
Keep the Genital Area Dry: Keeping the genital area dry will prevent the breeding of bacteria that cause infection and itching, thus will prevent the occurrence of genital itching.
Sleep without Underwear : Sweating is one of the main causes of bacteria growth in the groin area. So if you sleep without underwear during night, that area will be exposed to air, which will keep it dry and free from the risk of bacteria breeding.
This is the first thing you should do to prevent genital itching as well as the further worsening of the condition.
Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking ample amount of water will help your body to flush out the bacteria and yeast. It will minimize your chance of falling prey to genital infection and itching.
Avoid Sexual Activity: Do not indulge in sexual activity if you are suffering from genital itching to prevent the further worsening of the situation.
Have a Balanced Diet and Eat Vitamin C- Rich Food: Vitamin C-rich food will increase the immunity power of the body, thus will reduce the infections and prevent the reoccurrence of genital itching. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating food that contains sugar.
Both men and women can very well use these tried and tested home remedies for genital itching. But, you need to see a doctor if it is caused due to STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or some other diseases relate to the genital area.
Use these remedies to get rid of genital itching, but after using all these remedies, if the itching does not subside, it is advisable to consult a doctor to know the underlying cause of it and go for further medication.

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