Saturday, 30 September 2017

Posted By. Godsfavour

You do not feel angry when you see a mouse somewhere else except your home as it seems to be a small, inoffensive and a playful creature. But you cannot even handle one single mouse at your home and the reason is quite frustrating. They just destroy the things whether it is your food or furniture or your clothes or your books, etc. And on the top of that this nocturnal animal brings with it many infectious diseases via their urine and feces.

Effective and Easy Ways to Get Rid Of Mice

Are you frustrated and just want to get rid of mice as soon as possible?  Are you thinking – what are the best possible ways to get rid of mice? If yes, then here we have brought for you some of the best methods to keep mice away from your home naturally.

1.  Peppermint Essential Oil to get rid of Mice

These small creatures cannot stand the strong smell of the peppermint oil. So they will run away from the place when they will smell peppermint oil. This method will help you to prevent the mouse entering your house as well as making the mouse run away from your home.

You Need:

Peppermint Oil – as requiredCotton Balls- as required


Soak the cotton balls in peppermint oil.Place the soaked cotton balls at the openings of the house and at the places where the mice usually come.This will prevent the mice entering your house as well as make the mice escape that are inside the house.You can also place peppermint plants near the entry points of your house to prevent the mouse entering your house.2. Clove Essential Oil/Whole Cloves

Mice also cannot bear the strong smell of cloves. They just turn and run away of the place where there is clove smell. For this method of getting rid of mice, you can use clove essential oil as well as cloves.

You Need:

Clove Essential Oil – as requiredCotton Balls – as required


Soak the required amount of cotton balls in clove essential oil.Place the clove oil soaked cotton balls near the hideouts of the mice in the home, doorways and at the possible places through which the mouse can enter your house.If you want to use whole cloves, then wrap them in a cotton cloth and use them as cotton balls near the entrance points.Apart from making the mouse run away from your home, this method will also prevent the mice entering your house.3. Moth Balls

With its strong smell, moth balls work excellent to keep the mouse away from your house.

You Need:

Small Containers with lid – as requiredMoth balls – as required


Take the small containers and pierce them to make few holes (the holes should be large enough so that the smell of the moth balls comes out easily.Place 2 to 3 moth balls in each container.Place the containers where mice usually come.This method will make the mice, those are there in your home to run away and at the same time prevent the outside mice from entering into your home.Mothballs work excellent to make your attic free from mice

Note: Take cautions while using mothballs to get rid of mice as mothballs are toxic and it may harm your child or pet if they try to eat them.

4. Use Ammonia

The strong smell of ammonia jut makes the mice run away from the place. The mouse smells the ammonia as its predator’s urine, which makes it leave the place quickly.

You Need:

Small Containers with lids- as requiredAmmonia


Follow the same process as using the mothballs to get rid of mice.You can also use ammonia to clean the areas where mice frequently come.And at the same time, ammonia can be helpful to clean mouse droppings.

Note: Be careful while using ammonia to prevent the entry of mouse in your house. It may harm your child or pet if they come in contact with ammonia.

5. Spray to Deter Mice

This spray includes spicy, hot chillies, which will help you to move away the mice from your house. When the mice will sniff this pepper spray, they will experience a burning sensation in their eyes and nose. It will also make them extremely uncomfortable and irritated to leave the place immediately.

You Need:

Chopped habaneros – ½ cupHot Pepper Flakes – tbspWater – 16 cups2-Gallon Buckets – 21-Gallon Jug- 1Spray Bottle – 1Cheese ClothGloves and GogglesA Large Pot


Ensure to wear the gloves and goggles before making this mixture as it may harm your eyes as well as your hand.In a large pot take the water and boil it.Blend the peppers and flake roughly.Pour the blend into a 2-gallon bucket and pour the boiling water over the blend.Cover the mixture and leave it for 24 hours.Strain the mixture with the help of the cheesecloth to another 2-gallon bucket.Pour the water into a spray bottle.Spray the liquid around the entrances and on the place where the mice generally come.You can use this spray both in indoor as well as outdoor areas. In indoor areas, you can use this spray in every two days by wiping away the old spray.This method will definitely help you to get rid of mice effectively.Cover and keep this mixture away of sunlight to store it for months.

Note: Do not use this spray on carpets as it may discolour it.

6. Soap Detergent and Tabasco Sauce

This homemade mouse repellent also works well to get rid of mice effectively.

You Need:

Soap Detergent – ¼ cupTabasco Sauce – 1 tbspA Spray BottleWater – 1 Gallon


Take the water and add the sauce and the detergent to it and mix properly.Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and spray the liquid on the areas where mice come frequently.This mixture will work like a repellent for the mice.7. Use Kitty Litter

Mouse and cat are born enemies. So, in this case, kitty litter works wonders to get rid of mice effectively. After sniffing the smell of cat urine, the mice will run away from your home in no time.

You Need:

Plastic Trays – as requiredKitty Litter – as required


Fill each of the trays with some kitty litter in them.Keep the trays outside of the entrance points through which mice are entering into your house and at the place where the mice come frequently.The mice cannot withstand the smell of the kitty litter and will leave the place as soon as possible.Follow this method till you find that there is no mouse in the house.You can also follow the same method with snake poo to keep your house free from mouse.8.  Use Aluminium Foil

It may seem weird but believe me it helps to make the rats away from the home and will save your things from being destroyed. Possibly, the mice do not like the noise it makes or may be the foil creates a sensation in their teeth when their teeth come in contact with the aluminium foil or may be the aluminium foil seem very unnatural for them to penetrate. Whatever may be the reason, but the rodents do not touch the things if you cover them with aluminium foil.

You Need:

Aluminium Foil Roll


Use the aluminium foil to cover the surface of the things which the rodents usually attack.Follow this process of covering the things with aluminium foil during the night.Fold the foil in the morning and follow the same process of covering the things with aluminium foil at night.Following this process daily will help you to get rid of mice effectively.
20 healthy living tips

Posted By. Godsfavour

We all want to live a better life and be as healthy, strong, and happy as possible. Still, many of us make health choices today that could have devastating consequences in the long run.

The choices you make today will have an effect on how healthy you are tomorrow. So if you want to be at your healthiest 10 years from now, here’s where you should start:


1. Quit smoking

We all know smoking is bad for our health, but plenty of people still light up. Quitting today could mean great things for your long-term health, though. In five years, your risk of a subarachnoid hemorrhage decreases by 59 percent. And in 10 years for men and five years for women, your risk of developing diabetes is reduced to that of a nonsmoker. Smokers have been found to be 2.2 timesmore likely to die from lung cancer than quitters.

2. Watch your BMI

Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) can lower your risk for certain diseases. The World Health organization says, “As BMI increases, so does the risk for some diseases. Some common conditions related to overweight and obesity include: premature death, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, some cancers, and diabetes.” Eating healthfully and exercising can help regulate your BMI.

3. Make love

Mounting evidence points to all kinds of benefits to keeping your sex life regular — everything from easing depression to relieving pain to fighting off prostate cancer. Oh, and people who have sex one to two times a week also appear to have an immune response that is 30 percent higher than those who don’t have any sex at all.

4. Moderate your alcohol

Believe it or not, alcohol can have some benefits, including a reduction in cardiovascular disease. But these benefits apply only if it’s consumed in moderation.Heavy drinking can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the heart muscle, and an increased risk of several cancers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify moderate drinking as no more than one drink per day for women, and no more than two per day for men.

5. Turn off the television

A 2015 study found a correlation between increased time watching television and a higher incidence of heart disease, cancer, COPD, diabetes, influenza/pneumonia, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, and suicide. This doesn’t mean you need to throw your television out, but it does mean you should probably be monitoring the number of hours you spend sedentary in front of the TV. Try swapping some of those hours out for something active instead.

6. Get to bed

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Routinely failing to get that amount could lead to long-term health consequences, including increased obesity and high blood pressure and decreased well-being.

7. Exercise

According to the CDC, “getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity” can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. A physically active lifestyle also lowers your risk for colon and breast cancer.

8. Reach a healthy weight

The World Health Organization reports that being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and several cancers. Losing weight obviously isn’t a simple task, and many struggle to reach a healthy weight. Talking to your doctor about options and committing to a healthy diet and exercise plan can be beneficial first steps.

9. Visit your doctor

The CDC reports that: “The right preventive care at every stage of life helps all Americans stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, keep diseases they already have from becoming worse or debilitating, [and] lead productive lives.” An annual checkup is beneficial for everyone, but the U.S. Preventive Services Task Forces says women especially should make biennial mammograms a priority after age 50, as well as Pap smears every 3 years after the age of 21 (unless your doctor recommends getting these screenings more frequently).

10. Avoid too much sun

We all benefit from vitamin D, but failing to take sun precautions (an SPF of 30 or higher) can increase your risk of skin cancer. It can also cause sun damage to your skin that will make you appear older than you would like in 10 years.

When we’re young and healthy, it’s easy to assume we are invincible and make careless or detrimental health choices as a result. But taking care of yourself today is the number one thing you can do to ensure you are living a healthier life 10, 20, or 30 years from now.

We’re all getting older, so why not make the choices now that will improve your life in the future?

Posted By. Godsfavour

Including some stretching in your daily morning routine can help energize you for the day. That could mean you can skip that coffee until midmorning, when you might need it more.

It can also help you go into the day withhigher levels of confidence. This sequence can take less than 10 minutes, or longer if you want to stay in poses for a few breaths longer or repeat the whole sequence a few times.

It can really make a difference in how both your body and your mind start the day.

Child’s Pose

This restorative pose is great for gently stretching out your hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine, all of which can be a bit tight in the morning. It can feel really great if you’ve slept a little “wrong” or twisted up. It also calms the brain and relieves stress and fatigue, so it can be helpful for starting the day off on the right foot.

Equipment needed: For all these poses, a yoga mat is a good. If you don’t have a yoga mat, you should be on a carpet or stable rug (you won’t slip on the wood!) to cushion your knees.

Muscles worked: This lengthens your gluteus maximus, piriformis, other rotators, hamstrings, spinal extensors, and more.

Begin on all fours on the mat, with your knees directly under your hips but your big toes touching. You can widen your toes if having them touching puts any pressure on your knees.Inhale and feel your spine grow longer.As you exhale, take your butt back to your heels and tuck your chin to your chest.Rest here, with your forehead on the ground and your arms outstretched. You can also put your arms next to your body, palms resting up if you prefer.Hold this for 5 deep, even breaths.

Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana and Bitilasana)

These two poses done together can increase the circulation of your spinal fluid. This will help lubricate the spine, stretch your back and torso, and gently massage the organs in the abdominal area. All of these are good to help you  wake up and go into the rest of your day.

Muscles worked: This moves your spine, releasing tension in it, and your arm, abdominal, and back muscles.

Push up from Child’s Pose onto all fours, the top of your feet flat, shoulders directly over your wrists, and hips directly over your knees.As you inhale, drop your belly, letting your back arch but keeping your shoulders rolled back and down (this is Cow). Look slightly upward toward the ceiling.As you exhale, press into your hands into the ground and round your upper back (this is Cat).Continue moving, arching on your inhales and rounding on your exhales, repeating this for 5 breaths.Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose is great for the morning because it’s a mild inversion. It resets your nervous system, calms the brain, and energizes the body.

It can also be therapeutic for sciatica and relieve fatigue. If you have back problems that impact your sleep and leave you achy and tired, this pose is especially for you. Consider doing it for twice as long as suggested below or returning to it between other poses in this sequence for three breaths each time.

Muscles worked: This pose actively works your arms, shoulders, wrists, and core, while it stretches your hamstrings, spine, and calves. A lot of your body is either working or stretching here.

From all fours, push into your hands, straightening your arms as you raise your hips and straighten your legs. Note: You may want to inch your feet and hands a little farther apart, as a longer stance is normally more comfortable and beneficial. Your heels don’t have to be touching the ground here and won’t be for most people. “Working toward the ground” (not being on your tiptoes) is fine.As you exhale, press into your hands and roll your shoulders down and back, moving your shoulder blades down your back and your shoulders away from your ears.Your spine should be neutral here. You don’t want your upper spine working too hard, your shoulders hunched, or your belly dropping too far toward the floor in a swayback.Take at least 5 deep breaths here, bending one knee and then the other as you do, to gently open up the back of each leg. Settle into the pose by not moving your legs for at least 2 deep breaths.One-Legged Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose opens up your side body and your hips, and quiets the mind while developing confidence. It’s not a bad addition to a morning practice.

Muscles worked: This pose stretches the side body, hamstrings, and hip flexors while strengthening your arms.

In Downward Dog, be sure you are grounding fully and evenly pressing into both hands, and take a deep inhale, lifting your right leg as you do.When your leg is as high as you can comfortably get it while keeping your hips level with the ground, exhale and let your right leg bend, with your heel moving toward your butt, and then turn so that you can open the right side of your body.Take two deep breaths here, taking the time to let your hip and side open up and lengthen.Straighten the right leg as you square your hips back toward the mat, and gently return it to the ground as you exhale.
Posted By. Godsfavour

Medically Reviewed by Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI on 13 September 2017 — Written by Annette McDermott

Ah, bedtime. That glorious time of day when you drift into dreamland and forget your troubles. At least that’s how it’s supposed to happen.

For many people, the day-to-day rigor can keep your mind churning and your body tossing and turning until the alarm starts blaring in your ear the next morning. And why does that thing go off so soon after you fall asleep?

If a lack of restful sleep and worries about the day ahead lead you to hit the snooze button one time too many, you’re not alone. Here’s how you can kick the grumps to the curb and make the most of your morning routine.

1. Just say no to snoozing

Did you know there’s a word for hitting the snooze button over and over? Me neither. But it’s called drockling, and it’ll wreak havoc on your morning routine.

Drockling confuses your body’s internal clock so it’s hard to wake up refreshed. When you finally do roll out of bed, you’re more likely to be groggy and cranky. And is that really how you want to spend your morning?

2. Leave your phone alone

As tempting as it may be, reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up can derail your whole day. Checking social media and email can both be massive time sucks, leaving you with less time for your morning routine and rushing to catch the bus.

If you do find yourself with extra time in the a.m., opt for something that can help keep you grounded, like light exercise, journaling, or meditation.

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3. Shine some light on the matter

Ever struggle to get out of bed on a dark, rainy day? It’s because your body needs natural light to reset its internal clock. That means if you don’t turn on a light, you’re more likely to burrow further down into your covers and call it a day.

You’ll start your day faster if you turn on the lights or open the shades as soon as you wake up.

4. Make the bed

Let’s be real. It only takes a couple minutes to at least straighten up the covers, and hospital corners are optional.

Making the bed helps get you moving in the morning and gives you a sense of accomplishment. And think of how much calmer you’ll feel at bedtime when you climb into a nicely-made bed instead of a mass of tangled sheets and blankets.

5. Pump up the tunes

If you turn on your favorite tunes, finding your morning groove is inevitable. So unless you’ve got sleeping kids you don’t want to wake, go ahead and pump up the volume. A bonus? Music makes you want to dance, so you’ll burn some calories, too.

6. Diffuse a zesty scent

Consider buying an aromatherapy diffuser for your bedroom. Inhaling a stimulating essential oil can awaken your senses and get you energized.

Some invigorating scents to choose from include:

peppermintspearmintorangelemonbergamotpink grapefruitclovepatchouli7. Pull your hair — no, really

If you simply can’t roll out of bed despite your best efforts, tug your hair. Gently pulling your hair not only gives you an eye-opening twinge; it also helps stimulate blood flow to your scalp.

Of course, if you take this advice to heart, don’t go overboard. Pulling your hair may get you going, but if you do it too hard, it’s also likely to tick you off — at yourself.

8. Stretch

Stretching helps get blood flowing to your muscles, especially if your body is stiff because your partner is a bed-hog and you literally slept in the same position all night on one tiny area of the bed. Yeah, they know who they are.

Stretching may also help get you through your day by:

increasing flexibilityincreasing range of motionincreasing endurancedecreasing risk of injury

Unsure about where to start? One of these stretches may be just what you need.

9. Get out of your jammies

If you stay in your jammies all day, you’ll miss out on how good it feels to don them at the end of a difficult day. We know everyone needs a pajama day now and then, but save it for a snow day when you’re stuck inside with a mug of cocoa and a roaring fire.

10. Douse your face with cold water

Don’t go as far as the Ice Bucket Challenge, but a few splashes of icy water will snap you out of dreamland fast. An added benefit may be tighter pores, but that theory’s unproven.

11. Drink water before caffeine

Drinking a glass of water before your cup of coffee or tea can help rehydrate your body and rev your metabolism. If you don’t drink water until later, you’re more likely to become dehydrated.

Dehydration may cause confusion, infrequent urination, fatigue, and dizziness — symptoms you definitely don’t want to experience throughout your day.

12. Eat protein for breakfast

Proteins are the building blocks of every cell you have. It just makes more sense to power your body with a high-protein breakfast, such as a hard-boiled egg or a protein shake, instead of a sugary doughnut or muffin that will mess with your blood sugar levels and sap your energy.Need some inspiration? Check out these high-protein breakfast recipes.

13. Make your morning work for you

Who’s in control when you wake up — you, or your morning routine? Many days, it may seem like the latter, but you can change that. Make mornings work for you by eating right, avoiding your electronics unless there’s an emergency, and prepping clothes and meals ahead of time.

If you’re one of many in your home, don’t be a morning martyr. Enlist the entire family to work as a team to make the morning rush less stressful.

14. Be consistent with your routines

If your bedtime, morning, and weekend routines are all over the map, you’re blowing your chances of sleeping well and waking up refreshed.

To support your body’s natural sleep cycle, develop routines and stick with them. This means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up the same time each morning.

There are countless things you can do the night before to step up your morning game. The key is to be consistent so the steps you take become habit.

15. Pass on that afternoon coffee run

Caffeine is a stimulant that stays in your system for several hours. According to theAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine, research has shown drinking caffeine six hours before bedtime reduces total sleep time by one hour.

Skipping that afternoon cup may mean the difference between getting a full eight hours of sleep and wishing for a nap around 3 p.m.

16. Avoid alcohol

A glass of wine may help you fall asleep when your nerves are frayed, but you don’t want to rely on it every night. Alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle and prevent you from reaching REM, or deep sleep.

And have you ever had a hangover? Enough said.

17. Lay out your clothes for tomorrow

Taking 10 minutes or so to choose your clothes for the next day, iron them, and lay them out can save you loads of morning stress. If you have kids, teach them to do the same. It’s an easy hack guaranteed to make your daily routine easier.

18. Prep your morning mojo

Coffee. That dark, rich fuel… er, beveragethat makes you human again. Why struggle half-awake through half-open eyes to find your coffee filters and coffee when you can prep your mojo the night before?

Better yet, buy a programmable coffee maker that’ll have your morning cup of aromatic bliss ready for you when you wake.

19. Get your breakfast ready

Millions of adults and children skip breakfast. This can be harmful, as eating breakfast helps:

control blood sugarimprove heart healthboost brain powerboost immunityimprove skin

To make sure you and your family enjoy ahealthy breakfast (no, last night’s brownies don’t count), do some prep work. If you have time for a sit-down meal, plan the menu and set the table the night before. If not, make a batch of grab-and-go egg muffins or homemade protein bars on Sunday to have on hand the entire week.

20. Use a sleep app

There really is an app for everything! Sleep apps track your sleeping habits to help you determine your optimal bedtime and what time you should wake up. There are also relaxation apps and white noise apps that can help you fall asleep. Wondering which app is right for you? Here are some options to get you started.

21. Keep your room cool

It’s difficult to snooze when you’re uncomfortably hot and sweating buckets. Unless you’re used to sleeping in hot temps, keep your bedroom cool at night. You’ll sleep better and have fewer grungy sheets to wash.

22. Keep the screens out of your bed

Although turning to your phone first thing in the morning can be disastrous, using it before bed may be worse. That’s because electronics expose you to blue light.

Blue light is thought to stimulate your brain and block it from producing melatonin, the hormone that tells your body it’s time for 40 winks. Try cutting your screen time off an hour or two before you plan to sleep.

23. Choose an alarm that’ll make you want to wake up

It may be nice to wake up to the sound of a gentle rainfall or crashing waves, but does it really make you want to get out of bed? Doubtful.

Choose an alarm that’s not shrill enough to make you chuck it across the room, but annoying enough to make you want to get as far away from it as possible.

24. Make sure your alarm is set — and far away from you

It should go without saying, but to wake up on time, make sure your alarm is set each night. Place it on a dresser on the opposite side of the room or even in an adjoining bathroom — wherever you can still hear it! You’re less likely to hit the snooze button and fall back to sleep if you have to get out of bed and walk across the room to turn it off.

25. Choose an alarm with a brain teaser

Take it one step further and make your alarm require you to perform a mental task for it to shut off. For example, the iPhone has an alarm shut-off function that requires you to solve a simple math problem. If math gives you an instant headache, use an app that requires you to snap a picture of something somewhere in your home before shutting off.

26. Have an evening routine

Humans are creatures of habit. Establishing an evening ritual helps signal your body it’s time for sleep. Consider drinking a cup of herbal tea — chamomile is a great choice — reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath before bedtime. Whatever your routine, don’t divert from it.

27. Play white noise

If you can’t stand the sound of silence, or you wake up at every little sound, white noise may be a great bedtime option for you. It helps keep the sound in the room consistent, and blocks out sudden noises that may wake you up.

You can purchase a white noise machine, keep a playlist running, or just keep a fan on throughout the night.

28. Don’t linger in bed if you can’t sleep

If you can’t sleep, don’t lie in bed counting sheep. Despite the hype, it seldom works.

Get out of bed and do a busy task such as folding laundry or sorting mail. It’s OK to read a book or magazine, but not on your tablet. Leave your electronics off. When you start to feel sleepy, go back to bed.

You can take all the above steps and still not sleep a wink if your bed is a mess of tangled covers and grimy bedding. Your bed is your oasis. Here’s how to create a comforting space that promotes relaxation and sleep.

29. Get a better pillow

An uncomfortable pillow is a prescription for a lousy night’s sleep. Find a pillow that keeps your head in a neutral position. Consider investing in a so-called smart pillow, which conforms to your neck and head. You should also wash your pillowcases regularly to keep things smelling fresh.

30. Choose the right mattress

Your college days of crashing on whatever surface is closest are over. It’s time to step up your game and invest in a mattress that best suits your sleep needs.

According to the Better Sleep Foundation, you should evaluate your mattress every seven years. If it’s not literally supporting you, replace it. There are many mattress options out there, from innerspring to memory foam. If you think it’s time to upgrade, visit a mattress store and test drive several types to find the best fit for you.

31. Assess your blanket situation

It seems like a cruel twist of fate that in many relationships one person loves piling on the blankets while the other is content to sleep with just a sheet. Blanket tension must be one of the main reasons couples end up sleeping in separate rooms. Too few or too many blankets can leave you either shivering or sweltering.

If you’re not sleeping well, review yourblanket situation, and adjust accordingly. If you can’t get your significant other to compromise, it may be time to purchase a sofa bed…

32. Adjust the lighting

The right lightbulb is important if you’re struggling to sleep. Both fluorescent and LED bulbs give off melatonin-obstructing blue light. The National Sleep Foundationrecommends using red, pink, or incandescent bulbs in your bedroom lamps to promote restful sleep.

33. Keep the walls a neutral color

For the record, neutral isn’t red, hot pink, or puce. Staring at neon walls is a surefire way to stay awake. If you’re dealing with a fiery shade left over from an earlier renovation, consider a room redo.

Switching to a soothing, neutral color such as light blue, grey, white, or beige may make all the difference and transform your sleep.

34. Ban Fido from your bed

Please don’t send hate mail! I’m an animal lover, and understand how comforting it is to snuggle in bed with a beloved pet.

But I’m also a realist, and unless your pet understands the concept of personal space, you’re more likely to get a better night’s sleep if they sleep in their own bed on the floor. This way you can keep them close without having to deal with constant shuffling throughout the night.


Friday, 29 September 2017

Posted By. Godsfavour

The pigment melanin is responsible for the color of our skin.  Due to the destruction of pigment cells called melanin the skin will develop chalk white spots or patches. This is known as Vitiligo. Though vitiligo affects people from all races, the condition is more visible in people with darker skin. The problem causes distress in people with dark skin. This is a chronic disease which starts with small areas of the skin and spreading to larger areas of the skin.  People within the age limit 10 to 30 are more prone to this condition. In about 30 % of the affected people the skin begins to re-pigment naturally if exposed to the sun.

Causes of Vitiligo

There are no definite causes identified for the development of vitiligo. It is considered as an autoimmune problem which attacks the pigment skins.
•    In some people stress or illness acts as a triggering factor.
•    According to scientists heredity may be a factor as there is increased incidence in vitiligo in people with a family history of vitiligo.
•     People with family or personal history of endocrine diseases or connective tissue diseases are also prone to develop vitiligo. These include thyroid diseases, Addison’s disease, pernicious anemia, alopecia areata.

Symptoms Of Vitiligo

•    The most prominent symptom of vitiligo is the de-pigmented patches on the skin.
•     The de-pigmented patches are more common in the areas of the body that exposed to the sun such as arms, face, lips, hands and feet.
•    The less common symptoms include premature whitening or graying of the hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and beard.
•     Loss of color of the mucous membranes lining the inside of the mouth is also seen in some affected people.
•     There will be changes in the color of the retina.
Though there is no permanent remedy for vitiligo the home remedies for vitiligo helps to improve the appearance of the skin and to reduce the speed of progression of the disease.

Home Remedies For Vitiligo

The following are some of the vitiligo home remedies that you can try out to prevent the disease from rapidly affecting on your skin and hair.

1. Use Sun Protection Screen

If you are affected by vitiligo and if you are a person who is on the fairer side, then it is vital that you need to use a sunscreen lotion of at least 30 on your skin. The lotion must also be offering you protection against both UVA and UVB so that you get good protection from the harmful rays of the sun .This will help in reducing the vitiligo signs to some extent. Apply it every time you go out in the sun.
• Sunscreen lotion helps to protect your skin from sunburn and also long term damage.
• It will help in reducing the tanning considerably and hence the de-pigmentation of the skin due to vitiligo is not easily noticed.

2. Cosmetic Cover Ups

If your skin shows white patches here and there, then one of the trusted home remedy for vitiligo is to use cosmetic cover up the area where pigmentation is less and there is a color difference in the skin.
• These concealing cosmetics will lessen the appearance of white patches on your skin and you need to run a trial and error method to find the most suitable cover up cream for your skin so that your vitiligo is not visible that easily.
• Self tanners also will help in conceal the light colored patches on your skin by adding color to the lesser pigmented areas.
• These colors will not wash off and will gradually fade off as dead skin develops.

3. Protect Skin From Cuts

One of the things that you must be careful of when you are suffering from vitiligo skin conditions is that you should reduce the skin trauma as far as possible. A small cut or abrasion on your skin will not just add to the pain and bleeding problems but it will also boost the chances of developing vitiligo in these affected areas.

4. PUVA Treatment

One of the popular vitiligo home remedies that you can think of is psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy or PUVA therapy. The drug that is prescribed by the doctor can be taken orally or also can be used topically.
• The chemicals that are present in the psoralen will react with the ultraviolet light and this will help in reducing the white patches developed on your skin.
• The areas where you find discoloration of the skin has to be exposed to sunlight or UV light in timed sessions for many days in order to notice visible differences on the skin. It is a time consuming home remedy.

5. Turmeric And Mustard Oil

One of the natural home remedies for vitiligo that will help you to effectively reduce white patches to develop on your skin is the use of turmeric and mustard oil.
• Take about 250 ml of organic mustard oil in a bowl and mix it with 5 full teaspoons of turmeric powder.
• Make sure that this mixture is mixed properly.
• Apply this mixture to the affected areas of your skin and leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off after 20 minutes and pat it dry.
• Repeat this procedure for at least two times a day fro 15 to 20 days to see visible reduction in the color of the white patches on your skin.

6. Drink Water Stored In Copper Vessel

One of the effective home remedy for vitiligo that does take a lot of time to show visible results is regular drinking of water that is stored in a copper vessel. • If you are suffering from vitiligo symptoms, then make sure that you only drink water stored in a copper utensil. • You need to store water in this utensil for longer periods of times that water imbibes all the necessary minerals from the copper vessel. • This will help in increasing the production of melanin in your body and your skin will show reduced whiteness. • This does not show instant results and you need to practice this for quite a long time to see effective results on your skin.

7. Radish Seeds

Radish seeds are found to be effective in the regeneration of melanin in human skin. • Crush about 50 grams of radish seeds into a fine powder and mix it with about 50 to 60 ml of vinegar to make a thick smooth paste. • Apply this radish seed powder paste on the affected areas of the skin every day. • Leave it there for 15 minutes and wash it off. • Repeat this for six months and you will see skin darkening over the white patches.

8. Psoralen Seeds

Psoralen herb is known to be an effective herb for vitiligo home remedies. You can use the seeds of this herb to treat vitiligo problems. • Soak about 25 grams of tamarind and about 2 teaspoons of Psoralen seeds in water for a minimum of 4 days. Dry them and then grind it into a coarse paste with the same water. • Apply this paste on the white patches every day for a month. Leave it there for 20 minutes and then wash it off. • Repeat daily once or twice to see a reduction in the white patches on the skin.

9. Psoralen Powder And Ginger

• Put Psoralen seeds in a grinder along with dried ginger and grind it into a smooth powder. • Take a teaspoon of this powder and mix it with one glass of warm milk. Drink this milk every day for a month or two to see effective results.

10. Mama Cadela Roots

Another natural home remedy that you can think of for treating vitiligo problems is Mama Cadela roots. • Boil the roots of the Mama Cadela plant in warm for about 10 to 15 minutes. • You can now apply the extract on the affected areas of the skin regularly every day to reduce the whiteness on your skin. 

11. Ginkgo Biloba

One herb that will work as a vitiligo home remedy is the Ginkgo Biloba herb. It is used to treat a lot of health problems and it has the unique property of slowing down the progression of a disease. It will help in re-pigmenting the white patches on your skin on continuous application as a paste.

12. Sweet Basil Leaves

Basil leaves are found to be effective in treating vitiligo skin problems. • Extract lemon juice from five to six lemons. Now, add a teaspoon or two of the sweet basil leaves extract to the lemon juice and mix well. • Apply this mixture on the affected areas of the skin generously and leave it there for 15 minutes. • Wash with warm water and pat dry. Repeat everyday for 5 to 6 months to see re-pigmentation of the skin.

13. Red Clay And Ginger Mixture

You need to add fresh extracts of ginger juice in the red clay mixture or in powdered red clay. Mix this well and then apply to the areas where you find white pigments. Repeat this process for 4 to 5 months to see a reduction in the white patches and pigmentation to appear over the white patches.

14. Psoralen Powder With Coconut Oil

Combine Psoralen powder with barberry root powder, black cumin and coconut oil. Mix them and make it to a smooth paste. Apply this mixture everyday on the white patches on your skin to see visible results appear on the skin after 4 to 5 months. You will see the reduction in the white patches on your skin and will also see skin darkening over the white patches.

15. Proper Diet

There is a specific or recommended diet that you need to take to reduce vitiligo problems. This is a problem that can arise in humans due to lack of a nutritious diet. Make sure that you take a nutritious and wholesome diet every day to stay healthy and to prevent vitiligo problems to affect your skin. Some of the beneficial foods that you can include in your daily diet are:
• Green Tea
• Olive oil
• Black Pepper
• Ginger and garlic
• Turmeric powder

16. Special Ayurvedic Diet

Some of the specialized Ayurvedic practitioners from Kerala in South India have prescribed a special diet that needs to taken continuously for 40 days along with external application of natural medicines and remedies to get rid of vitiligo problems in two months time.
• Make sure that you consume about 600 grams of raw cucumber every day three times a day and stick to a vegetarian diet.
• You need to take three beetle leaves three times a day along with raw cucumber to see a reduction in white patches on your skin

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dandruff.

17. Walnuts

• Grind walnuts in a blender to make it into a coarse powder.
• Take 2 teaspoons of the coarse walnut powder and mix it with a little bit of water.
• Mix to make a coarse thick paste and apply in the affected areas three to four times a day.
• Leave it to react with the skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off.
• Repeat this process for about two months or so to see a slight reduction in the white patches on the skin.

18. Margosa Leaves

• Grind the neatly washed margosa leaves in a blender and then extract the juice of the margosa leaves paste.
• Now take two teaspoons of this juice and mix it will 1 teaspoon of pure honey.
• Drink this mixture three times a day for about a month or more to see re-pigmentation on your skin and reduced white patches.
Are you worried seeing the white patches on your skin and feel embarrassed at the sight of it? Do you want to know the best home remedies that will help you to fight the problems caused by vitiligo on your skin? Well, all you need to do is to try out a combination of three to four mentioned home remedies to fight the vitiligo problems naturally.
Posted By. Godsfavour

Most of the adults suffer from the hair fall issue due to dandruff. Actually, dandruff is a chronic skin condition which affects the scalp. The suffering person often gets dry, flaky and itchy scalp. This condition may affect the scalp throughout the year but it worsens during fall and winter.
There are many OTC drugs available in the market that promise to cure this scalp condition but these drugs contain chemicals, which may damage the scalp if we use it for a longer period of time. On the other hand, there are also many home remedies that are prepared with natural ingredients for the treatment of dandruff. These home remedies for dandruff are not only free from chemicals but also safe to be used on the scalp.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help to Treat Dandruff

Out of all those available natural ingredients to get rid of dandruff issue, apple cider vinegar works best. But, here, one question comes to our mind and that is – what makes apple cider vinegar so useful to treat dandruff? Let’s find out!
Antibacterial:  Apple cider vinegar is loaded with natural probiotics, which makes it antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature.  So its use kills the bacteria and fungus that cause dandruff. It also prevents the reoccurrence of dandruff issues.
Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar soothe the irritated scalp that is caused due to dandruff. It also reduces the inflammation of the scalp.
Restores the Moisture Level: The acidic content of the apple cider vinegar restores the moisture content of the scalp, which in turn controls the growth of fungus on the scalp. Its acidic content also maintains the pH balance of the skin, thus its use removes the build up from the scalp without removing the natural oil.

No Chemicals: Apple cider vinegar is free of chemicals.  So, its regular use will not cause any damage to the scalp and at the same time will cure the dandruff issue effectively.
Opens Clogged Hair Follicles: Apart from all these above mentioned dandruff-fighting properties, apple cider vinegar also contains various enzymes that open the clogged hair follicles. This process, in turn, makes the scalp healthy and keeps dandruff at the bay.

What are the Best Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dandruff

There are many home remedies that are prepared by using this super effective ACV to treat the dandruff issue. Let’s explore them!

1. ACV Application on the Scalp

This is one of the easiest ways to use apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff.
  • ACV – as per the requirement
  • Cotton Ball – 1
  • A Warm Towel
  1. Take apple cider vinegar in a small bowl. The quantity depends upon the thickness of your hair.
  2. Soak the cotton ball in the ACV.
  3. Now make small partitions of your hair and apply the ACV covering the entire scalp.
  4. Gently massage your scalp for few minutes.
  5. Wrap your hair and head with a warm towel to open up the pores on the scalp.
  6. Leave it for 1 hour and then rinse your hair with warm water.
  7. Follow this method, at least two times a week for 1 month to get rid of dandruff.
Note: Do not use shampoo after applying apple cider vinegar to your scalp.

2. ACV and Water for Dandruff

This is another useful remedy to get rid of dandruff easily and without any side effects.
  • Warm Water- ½ cup
  • ACV – ½ cup
  • A Spray Bottle
  • A Shower Cap
  1. In a medium sized bowl take the warm water.
  2. Now add the ACV to the water and stir it.
  3. Pour the ACV mix to the spray bottle.
  4. Make small partitions of your hair and spray the ACV mix on the entire scalp and hair.
  5. Wrap a shower cap on your head and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair with warm water.
  7. Use this remedy once in a week till your dandruff vanishes completely.
Note: Do not shampoo your hair after using ACV. Also, if your skin is sensitive, then first apply it on a small area of the skin. If it does not irritate your scalp, you can go ahead with the remedy.

3. ACV and Peppermint Leaves

This remedy is more effective to treat dandruff as it also contains the dandruff curing properties of peppermint. The antiseptic and the anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint leaf reduce the itchiness of the scalp that is caused due to dandruff. Its use keeps dandruff at bay.
  • ACV – 1 cup
  • Peppermint Leaves – 5 to 7
  • Water – 1 cup
  1. Take 1 cup of water in a saucepan and boil it for few minutes in low flame.
  2. Off the flame and add the peppermint leaves and the ACV to it.
  3. Leave it for at least two hours to steep properly.
  4. Strain it and pour it into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray this mix on your hair and gently massage for 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair with warm water.
  7. Use this remedy every day to get rid of dandruff completely.

4. ACV and Essential Oil Mix

This remedy has the goodness of lemon grass, rosemary and lavender. Rich in anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, lemon grass oil helps to treat dandruff effectively. It also kills the fungus that causes dandruff on the scalp. Rosemary which belongs to the mint family also helps to treat dandruff because it loaded with anti-fungal properties. Like lemon grass and rosemary, lavender is also a rich source of antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to treat the dandruff issue properly.
  • ACV – ½ cup
  • Water – ½ cup
  • Rosemary Essential Oil – a few drops
  • Lavender Essential Oil – a few drops
  • Lemon Grass Essential Oil – a few drops
  1. In a medium-sized bowl take the water and mix ACV in it.
  2. Add all the essential oils to it and stir thoroughly.
  3. Shampoo your hair and then with the help of a cotton ball apply the mixture to your scalp by making small partitions of your hair.
  4. Massage your scalp for few minutes and then leave until the mixture dries completely.
  5. Rinse your hair with water.
  6. Repeat this process once in a week to treat the dandruff issue successfully.

5. ACV and Yogurt

Yogurt contains a good amount of proteins and vitamin B5, which is very beneficial for the scalp and hair health. Also, its antibacterial agents treat the dandruff issue and at the same time reduce the irritation of the dandruff-affected scalp.
  • ACV – 1 tsp
  • Plain Yogurt – ½ cup
  1. Take the yogurt in a small bowl and add the ACV to it and mix properly.
  2. Shampoo your hair and apply the yogurt and ACV mix to your scalp.
  3. Massage your scalp thoroughly.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse your scalp and hair with cool water.
  5. Repeat this process once in a week to get effective results against dandruff.
Note: Always use plain yogurt to prepare this remedy as sweetened or flavored yogurt may irritate the skin and worsen the condition.

6. ACV and Tea Tree Oil Scalp Mask

The anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil kill the fungus called Malassezia, which is the main cause of dandruff . So the combination of ACV along with tea tree oil will work wonders to cure dandruff.
  • Raw, Unfiltered ACV – ½ cup
  • Water – ½ cup
  • Tea Tree Oil – 5 drops
  • Cotton ball – 1 to 2
  1. Take all the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and mix together.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in this ACV mix and apply it on the scalp.
  3. Cover all the portion of the scalp and massage it for few minutes.
  4. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water and then shampoo your hair.
  5. If your dandruff is severe then use this remedy in every alternate day and once your dandruff disappears, use this remedy once in a week to prevent its reoccurrence.

7. ACV with Lemon Juice, Tea Tree and Olive Oil

Earlier, we came to know about the good effects of tea tree oil to treat dandruff. In this remedy, we have added olive oil to make it more effective. Olive will offer a moisturizing effect to the scalp and the hair. Since ages olive oil has been used as a folk remedy for dandruff. It treats the dandruff issue by properly moisturizing the dry areas that flake off.  Apart from that, it also hydrates the scalp properly to fight the dandruff issue.
  • ACV – ¼ cup
  • Distilled Water – 1 cup
  • Olive Oil – ½ tsp
  • Tea Tree Oil – 5 drops
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
  • A Spray Bottle
  • Shower Cap
  1. Take 1 cup of distilled water in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Add the ACV and the tea tree oil to it. Also, add the lemon juice to it.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and then pour it into the spray bottle.
  4. Part your hair and spray the mixture on your scalp and hair.
  5. Wear a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Cleanse your hair using a mild shampoo.
  7. After using this home remedy twice every week for one month, you will be able to have a control on your dandruff issue.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar and Fenugreek

Since ages, fenugreek, which is a very common spice in the Indian kitchen, has been used to treat various hair care problems, such as dandruff, hair fall, dry and lifeless hair etc. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which fight to treat the dandruff problem . It contains protein and nicotinic acid, which promote hair growth. It also contains lecithin, which adds a lustrous touch to the hair. Fenugreek works as a natural conditioner for the hair.
  • Fenugreek Seeds – 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tsp
  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight so that you can easily make a paste of it.
  2. Next day morning grind the soaked fenugreek seeds to make a fine paste.
  3. Add the apple cider vinegar to the paste and mix thoroughly.
  4. Make partitions of your hair and apply this paste on your hair and scalp with the help of a hair brush.
  5. Leave it on your hair for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off with water.
  6. If you are facing severe dandruff issues you can use this paste in every alternate day or else you can use it 1 to 2 times a week.
Note: You can store this mixture to use in future.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar Herbal Combination

This ACV herbal combination works well to get rid of dandruff issue easily as it contains calendula flowers, sage, thyme and chamomile leaves.
With abundant antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula flowers helps to maintain the scalp health, thus treats dandruff effectively. It also cleanses the scalp and hair of grease residue, which in turn keeps the dandruff issue at the bay. And at the same time, it hydrates the scalp.
Sage with its antibacterial, antifungal and astringent properties help to combat the dandruff issue properly .
Popularly known as brahmi in ancient ayurvedic medicines, sage is used to cure dandruff issues. Its astringent and healing properties makes it an effective ingredient to cure dandruff .
The use of chamomile treats dandruff and soothes the irritated scalp that is caused due to dandruff. Apart from that its use also strengthens the hair and adds a natural shine to it.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 cups
  • Calendula Flowers – 1 tsp
  • Dried Sage Leaves – 1 tsp
  • Dried Thyme Leaves – 1 tsp
  • Dried Chamomile Leaves – 1 tsp
  • Water – as per the requirement
  • An Empty Bottle
  • Cotton Balls – 1 to 2
  1. Take 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and bring it to a boil and then off the flame.
  2. Add all the herbs to it and leave it overnight to steep properly.
  3. Strain the mixture to the empty bottle.
  4. Now add 1/8 cup of vinegar to 1 cup of water and dilute it.
  5. Apply the ACV mix to your hair before shampooing.
  6. Again apply it after conditioning your hair and do not rinse it off.
  7. Use this ACV remedy for dandruff at least once in a week and you will see noticeable changes within 2 weeks period of time.
  8. In the place of adding all the herbs to the ACV, you can also use any herb of your choice to prepare this home remedy for dandruff.
Note: Make sure to have enough ventilation in the bathroom as the strong fumes of ACV may sting your eyes.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Like ACV, honey provides an effective cure for dandruff and when you combine it with ACV, it works even better. Including minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, prosperous, manganese and Vitamins like A, C, D, E, honey treats the dandruff issue properly. Apart from that, its use helps the hair to retain its moisture.
  • Warm Water – ½ cup
  • ACV – 1/3 cup
  • Raw Honey – 3 tbsp
  • A Plastic Spray Bottle
  • A Shower Cap
  1. Mix together all the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle.
  3. Make four partitions of your hair and spray the solution on your scalp as well as on your hair.
  4. Cover the head and the hair with a shower cap
  5. Leave it for 15 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
  6. Use this home remedy once in a week to get rid of dandruff fast.

Additional Tips

  • For all the above mentioned ACV home remedies for dandruff, use organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Make sure that it has the mother in it.
  • Make a patch test on a small portion of your scalp before trying these home remedies for the entire scalp. You can go ahead with the home remedy if there is some mild irritation but need not go for the home remedy if there is a strong irritation.
  • Keep your hair brush clean to keep dandruff at the bay. Use vinegar to clean your comb.
  • Do not scratch your scalp as it may increase the dandruff issue.
  • Use a small-toothed comb to remove the flakes from the scalp. This will help lessen the dandruff.
  • Do not shampoo your hair frequently as the harsh chemicals in it cause more dandruff.
  • Avoid stressful situations as stress can cause dandruff.
  • Eat food rich in zinc and Vitamin B6 for healthy scalp and hair.

If after using all these home remedies, the dandruff issue does not subside, then it is time to consult a dermatologist to know the underlying causes of it and going for the right treatment.
If your dandruff is mild and is not accompanied by any bleeding or severe irritation, then you can very well use these apple cider vinegar home remedies that are mentioned above to get rid of dandruff forever.
Posted By. Godsfavour

Is your hair care making you sick? Skin and scalp absorb a lot, sending it straight into the bloodstream. The moisturizer you put on your skin disappears, right? Would you really eat that hair dye or shampoo? Or breathe ammonia, chlorine or formaldehyde?
Here’s 5 classes of ingredients you, your stylist and your family want to stay away from. Avoid rashes, toxic headaches, inflamed scalp, and chemical overload. Especially important if you are pregnant, immune-compromised, aging, struggling with your health or just want to keep it clean!

1). Parabens 

Methylparabens and Propylparabens are common preservatives in hair and skin products. Many people are allergic to them and get irritated scalp with a paraben product. They’re easy to spot on labels of lotions, soaps, cleansers and more.

2). Formaldehyde in straighteners

Brazilian Blowout and other straightening and keratin treatments are notorious for releasing formaldehyde when heated. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and causes breathing problems, rashes and toxic overload. The FDA has warned salons about this for years but doesn’t enforce the ban.
There are alternatives but you have to ask your salon.

7 Foods That Can Help Control Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

3). Chemicals in hair dye

Many hair dyes contains toxic chemicals banned in Europe long ago. There are safer alternatives if you ask your salon, research, or stop coloring your hair. (I stopped when I turned 50. Why fight a losign battle)?
Environmental Working Group ( is the place to search any shampoo, color, makeup, or lotion. It’s an incredible resource – totally free – ranking products and individual ingredients on a 1 – 10 scale. Take some time and search every skin and hair product in your home (including your kids’ sunscreen and bath bubbles). You may soon be at Whole Foods or on Amazon buying safer products. (But read those labels)!
Products sold to salon professionals often don’t have ingredients listed. Only retail products must list them so don’t blame your stylist if they don’t know what you’re asking and have to contact the rep. It’s their job so don’t feel quilty about asking.
Chemicals to avoid include Ammonia, Lead, Resorcinol, PPD, Isoproply Alcohol and MANY more – insist on a safer brand!

4). Chemicals in shampoos, conditioners, setting lotions, body wash, soap, makeup, lipstick….

  • Fragrances – don’t get me started on this one. I won’t buy anything that has the word Fragrance on the label. That includes detergents, toilet paper, soap, moisturizer, lipstick or floor cleaner.
  • SLS (and various spelling versions) is Sodium Laurel Sulfate. It’s the foamy industrial cleanser and degreaser commonly found in soaps, shampoo and toothpaste. Yuk!
  • DEA – a lathering agent, like SLS.
  • Propylene Glycol – also known as anti-freeze. What?? Yes, but you’ll see it disguised as PEG or PPG on labels
Here’s the ingredients in a top-selling Nexxus shampoo: does this look “edible” to you?
Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Polyquaternium-10, Fragrance, PEG-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Glycerin, Gluconolactone, PPG-9, Trehalose, Citric Acid, Adipic Acid, Sodium Sulfate, DMDM Hydantoin, Disodium EDTA, Hydrolyzed Actin, Hydrolyzed Roe, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, PEG-150 Pentaerythrityl Tetrastearate, PPG-2 Hydroxyethyl Cocamide.
Here’s a shampoo I use from “Just Naturals”. This looks better!
Aloe Vera Hydrosol, Noni Fruit Extract, Papaya Extract, Avocado Oil, Orange Blossom Essential Oil, Amyris Essential Oil, Rice Protein, Chia Seed Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Gentle cleansers, Geranium Essential Oil, Cellulose, Thyme Essential Oil, Guar Gum, Vegetable Glycerin, Caprylyl Glycol, Banaba Extract, Citric Acid, Panthenol Vitamin B5.

5).  Gluten

Are you avoiding gluten? If you have gluten antibodies or Leaky Gut (this Cyrex Lab test and Consult can test for that), you must avoid gluten in your hair, skin and makeup too.
Check labels on shampoo, conditioner and body wash for wheat or gluten. While you’re at it, search your lipstick, eye shadow and foundation online with the word “gluten” in the Search Bar or try this site for suggestions. Cosmetics don’t have complete labels – you have to look them up.
Ask your salon to check with their rep for gluten-free shampoo, colors and conditioners. Or bring your own safe shampoo and conditioner (or just have them wet your clean hair before cutting).  I gave up all salon treatments when I realized their products were causing my itchy scalp, not fixing it!

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Posted By. Godsfavour

Five types of sunscreens

1). Organic Filters: synthetic chemical combos that absorb sun’s radiation, preventing it from entering the skin. Here’s a case where the word “organic” is bad.
2). Traditional Mineral Sunscreens reflect damaging rays. Most include zinc oxide or titanium oxide. They appear white on the skin since they reflect light.
3). Nano-Mineral sunscreens have tiny nano-particles of zinc and titanium oxide. Their safety is questioned as they may penetrate the skin, but they’re still safer than organic filters.
4). Clothes and shade work well!
5). Healthy skin burns less. The Paleo Diet may change your tanning future.

Sunscreen ingredients to avoid

  • Oxybenzone is common in commercial sunscreens. Linked to elevated estrogen, endometriosis and allergic reactions. 
  • Retinyl Palmitate is a form of Vitamin A linked to skin tumors and lesions. It doesn’t “help” sunscreen protection. Avoid it.
  • Spray sunscreen is too easy to inhale. Use topicals.
  • High SPF’s only protect against UVB burning rays. They don’t block UVA rays that age the skin, affect your immune system and promote skin cancer. You’re not safe just because you aren’t burning.
  • Parabens and PABA
  • Sunscreen/bug repellant combos – too many unpronounceable ingredients!

Are Mineral Sunscreens Safer?

In general, yes. But commercial brands of zinc and titanium sunscreens may still contain chemicals in the lotion. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t use it.
Many brands now use BOTH chemical and mineral filters. Read those labels or use the EWG sunscreen guide below.

A Better Diet May Prevent Burning

Hats, loose white clothes, shade, and UV blocking sunglasses are mandatory – there’s no getting away from common sense.
But a Paleo-type diet may help you tan more easily and not burn so fast. I’ve seen anecdotal reports of this on many websites in the Paleo community.
Diets higher in saturated fats such as ghee, coconut oil and pastured meats help the sun make more Vitamin D in our skin. The fats, Vitamin D and the higher levels of antioxidants in a Paleo Diet all provide some protection from burning as well as less DNA damage from UVA rays.
If you have some time, browse through this thread on Cholesterol and Sunshine on Marks’s Daily Apple.

click here to view20 Healthy Living Tips

Sunscreen Blocks Vitamin D Too

Getting safe sun allows the skin to make Vitamin D. Most of us don’t get enough all-year-round sun (on horizontal bare skin when the sun is high in the sky). The D we make in the skin is different from that in supplements, but I still recommend my readers and clients take this Vitamin D + K2 combo daily for life unless your annual blood test for Vitamin D is normal. Then just take Vitamin K2 as Emu Oil or as capsules.
This study reports that Vitamin D deficiency due to use of sunscreen may be the cause of increased chronic disease globally.
Here’s my detailed article on the incredible importance of Vitamin D in gene regulation and the immune system.

5 Tips For Choosing Safer Sunscreen

  1. Avoid Oxybenzone
  2. Choose mineral screens with at least 20% zinc oxide
  3. Avoid sunscreen/bug repellant combos
  4. Use shade, hats, sunglasses and loose white clothes
  5. Eat a nutrient-dense Paleo Diet to help avoid burning
Posted By. Godsfavour

  1. Avoid microwaved food, non-stick cookware and aluminum cookware (used in most restaurants as well as homes).
  2. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water everyday. Drink between meals, and finish your fluids 2 hours before bed.  Use a reverse-osmosis water filter, a Big Berkey water filter, or buy Spring water.
  3. Check food labels for the word “hydrogenated” and eliminate all hydrogenated oils. Dressings, mayo, “butter spreads”, baked goods, cereals, pre-prepared, fried foods, and most restaurant foods usually have these. 
  4. Use coconut oil, ghee (clarified butter) or leftover fat from pasture-raised meats for sautéing. Avoid heating olive oil and other oils – use them to flavor food after cooking. Choose oils high in monounsaturates and low in polyunsaturates. Avoid corn, canola and soy oils.
  5. Grate or puree squash, cauliflower, broccoli and other veggies to make them taste differently, freeze better, and get more nutrition per bite.
  6. Buy and eat Pasture-Raised eggs – the highest quality eggs you can find.
  7. Replace starchy foods such as bread, rice, cereal, pasta, beans and chips with vegetables. Avoid juice and excess fruit. Combine fruit snacks with some fat and protein such as organic cheese or almond butter.
  8. Have a solid breakfast with plenty of protein and fat. Eat meals and snacks at regular times every day.
  9. Avoid pesticides in your food, your home and your yard.
  10. Eat wild salmon frequently (canned is OK). Take premium quality Omega 3 oils – Beverly recommends Rosita Cod Liver Oil. It’s got a light fresh taste and a complement of vitamins in natural form.
  11. Eliminate Iodized salt and regular Sea Salt. Look for Sun-Dried or Solar salt such as Himalayan Salt, or our Pink Salt.
  12. Remember that sodas, granola bars, muffins, rice and soy milk, desserts and potatoes are extremely high in starch and sugars (and therefore carbohydrate calories). Artificial sweeteners are no good either…
  13. Never eat soy unless it is fermented as Miso, Tempeh or true Tamari Soy Sauce (Gluten-Free). Avoid all Gluten, and try going Grain-Free as well.
  14. Walk at least 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. Keep your heart rate to 55% – 75% of your maximum heart rate (determined by your age).
  15. Avoid electromagnetic field toxicity. Remove electric clocks from your bedside table (use battery operated instead). Don’t sleep or work near a fuse box or other electrical appliances. Don’t put anything electrical on or near your head. Use cell phone protectors to diminish EMF fields.
  16. Sleep 7 to 9 hours in a pitch dark bedroom; kids too. Use herbs such as Passion Flower to help calm your brain and body. (You can use our Passion Flower during the day too to help keep your busy brain under control).
  17. Alcohol is pure carbohydrate and pure calories, makes you sleep badly, and keeps your blood sugar unstable.
  18. Whatever you cook, make more of it! Double up meats and veggies and freeze for later in the week.

19. Get plenty of sun on exposed skin (but don’t burn). Or, take 2000 to 5000 units of Vitamin D3 with a meal, daily, for life. Have your Vitamin D levels tested annually and keep them between 55 and 75. ALWAYS take Vitamin K2 whenever you take D. Here’s one of several in the online store…
20.  Change your hair and skin care products to eliminate Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Parabens, Wheat, and Fragrances.
 Posted By. Godsfavour

pimple refers to acne that has developed beneath the skin’s surface. Although the pimple isn’t noticeable from a distance, you can feel the lump. It’s most often caused by a cyst or nodule.

This type of acne develops from a combination of sebum (oil), bacteria, and dirt that becomes trapped in your pore. The end result is a painful lump under your skin that doesn’t have a “head” like other pimples might have.

You might notice a large white area under your skin that’s painful to the touch. The area might also be red from inflammation (swelling) of the surrounding skin.

pimples can be hard to get rid of, but they’re treatable with patience and care. Here’s how.


1. Avoid the urge to squeeze and pop

As tempting as this may be, you should never try to squeeze or pop a blind pimple. You’ve likely heard this rule of thumb regarding acne in general, but it’s especially crucial to follow with blind pimples.

Because these pimples aren’t at the skin’s surface, they’re more difficult — and sometimes even impossible — to pop. The act of trying to squeeze out the pimple ultimately worsens inflammation, which can make the area more tender to the touch. It may even become more noticeable from increased redness and marks on the skin.

Attempting to pop blind pimples can also cause scarring.

The best course of action is to take measures to try to bring it to a “head” so that it can exit the skin via other treatment methods.

Check out: 5 natural products to help get rid of acne scars »


2. Apply a warm compress

Warm compresses can help blind pimples in a couple of ways. First, they can help ease pain from the acne. The heat also helps open your pores, which can bring the pimple to a head. This can allow the bacteria to exit the skin on its own.

Although you can buy warm compresses to heat up in the microwave, you can easily make your own by wetting a towel with warm water. Apply the towel to the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. You may repeat the process daily as needed.


3. Wear an acne sticker

An acne sticker is like a bandage that you place directly over the blind pimple. In theory, the sticker helps remove bacteria, sebum, and dirt. Ingredients can vary, but most acne stickers contain an acne-fighting agent such as salicylic acid.

Acne stickers are usually available at your local drugstore and may be used daily until the blind pimple is gone. You can wear them all day, but be sure to change the sticker at least once every 24 hours.


4. Apply a topical antibiotic

Topical antibiotics can help get rid of any bacteria that’s contributing to the blind pimple. They also reduce inflammation. If you get recurring blind pimples, such products may be used around the affected area as a preventive measure.

The most common topical antibiotics for acne include clindamycin and erythromycin. These come in a gel formula that you apply twice a day. If you generally have sensitive skin, you may need to apply once a day and see how your skin reacts before moving up to twice a day.

However, topical antibiotics aren’t effective by themselves. You’ll need to use them in conjunction with another type of acne product such as benzoyl peroxide. The antibiotic gets rid of the bacteria and inflammation, while the benzoyl peroxide dries out the blind pimple.


5. Apply tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can serve as a gentle alternative to harsh antibiotics and over-the-counter (OTC) chemicals. You can find the oil at a natural health store, but there are also products with tea tree oil available at the drugstore.

For optimum effectiveness, you’ll need to use a product that has at least 5 percent tea tree oil. Apply twice a day until the blind pimple heals completely.

Pure tea tree oil can’t be used until you dilute it first. To do this, mix one part tea tree oil with one part carrier oil. Popular carrier oils include coconut, jojoba, and olive oils.

After dilution, apply to the affected area and leave on overnight. Rinse the area in the morning during your usual face-washing routine.

Tea tree oil is safe enough for daily use. It’s only harmful when ingested.

Learn more: What are the best essential oils for acne? »


6. Apply raw honey

Raw honey is another natural alternative to OTC products. Honey has natural antimicrobial properties that help get rid of bacteria.

To use this method, make sure that your product contains raw honey — you’ll want to avoid the typical honey you can get from the grocery store. Apply a small amount to the affected area and leave on overnight. Raw honey can also be mixed with water as a cleanser.


When to see your dermatologist

pimples are one of the most challenging forms of acne to treat. It takes time and perseverance to get rid of the pimple while also avoiding damage to your skin.

If a pimple doesn’t respond to at-home treatments, consider seeing your dermatologist. They may also offer solutions if you need a quick fix, such as cortisone shots to quickly reduce swelling and promote healing.

You should also see your dermatologist if you get recurring  pimples on a regular basis. Oral medications and other treatments may be needed.