Acne, which is medically known as acne vulgaris, is a very common but stubborn skin issue that everyone wants to get rid of. People aged between 12 and 25 are more prone to acne. It is not only painful but also makes the skin look ugly. Apart from that, it leaves behind unsightly scars that take years to fade. And on the emotional front, it affects the self-esteem and self-confidence of the person. Acne generally occurs on the surface of the skin when the hair follicles get clogged with oil from the skin and dead skin cells. Sometimes acne becomes severe and extremely painful. But the fact is that can be treated effectively.
You can very well get rid of acne with the help of home remedies but here you will be surprised to know that acne can be treated with the use of one of our favorite vegetables and that is ‘tomato’. Does Tomato Help Treat Acne It sounds weird that the tomato which we use in cooking to add more taste to the recipes can also be used to treat acne, but it is true. Let’s find out why tomatoes are effective for treating acne Contains Lycopene:
Tomatoes contain a good amount of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. It fights against the skin-damaging free radicals. So the use of tomato can prevent an outbreak of acne and the skin damage at the cellular level. Lycopene also increases the collagen production and helps in the process of new skin generation. High Acidic Level: Tomato is a good source of skin-friendly acids. These acids slow and even stop the acne from occurring again by making the skin oil-free. Loaded with Vitamins: Tomatoes contain many vitamins, such as A, B1, B3, B6, C, E, K, iron and potassium, which are beneficial to treat the acne issue perfectly. These vitamins and minerals are used in the preparation of acne medicines. Reduces Skin Redness: The nutrients in tomato help to reduce the redness of the skin, which is one of the major side effects of acne. Balances the pH Level of the Skin: The acidity content of tomato juice helps to balance the pH level of the skin. This, in turn, helps to prevent the reoccurrence of acne. Works as an Astringent: Tomato works well as an astringent. Its application cleans the skin of the dart, oil and dead skin cells. It also tightens the skin pores. Rejuvenates the Skin: Tomato is a good source of antioxidants. So its use rejuvenates the skin as well as makes it clean, soft and supple. Offers a Bleaching Effect: Tomato with its skin bleaching properties fades the acne marks and dark spots effectively. Best & Simple Ways to Use Tomato For Acne The humble vegetable tomato comes loaded with many skin-friendly nutrients that not only prevent and stops acne breakout but also help to rejuvenate the skin. By using tomato you will get acne-free and glowing skin for sure. And another good thing is that it works well on every skin types.
Let’s learn few of the most effective ways to use tomato for acne.
1. Tomato Pulp This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to use tomato to control the acne flare-ups. It works by minimizing the oil on the skin. It is an effective home remedy to get rid of severe acne.
Things You Need: Medium Size Tomato – 1 A
Grinder Process:
1. Take the tomato and clean it with normal water. 2. Cut it into pieces and grind it thoroughly.
3. Apply the tomato pulp on the face and other acne-affected area and leave for 1 hour.
4. Rinse with normal water and pat dry.
5. Following this process at least once in a day will help you to get rid of acne effectively.
2. Tomato Slice
This is another simple method of using tomato to get rid of the acne issue properly.
Things You Need: Medium Size Tomato – 1 A Knife
Process: 1. Take a fresh medium size tomato and clean it with normal water.
2. Cut it into slices and then rub the slices on your acne-affected skin.
3. After few minutes, wash your face with cool water.
4. Follow this home remedy for acne daily to get the results within a week.
3. Tomato and Avocado
Avocado contains a good amount of skin-friendly vitamins and nutrients that help to slow down the process of acne breakout. And when it is combined with tomato, it works faster to help treat the acne issue. And at the same time, you will also get a beautiful skin.
Things You Need: Tomato – 1 Avocado – 1 A Bowl
Process: 1. Wash both the tomato and avocado with normal water.
2. Cut the tomato into small pieces and keep in the bowl.
3. Cut the avocado half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon into the bowl.
4. Now mash both the avocado and tomato with a spoon to prepare a smooth paste.
5. Apply the paste on the acne-affected skin and leave for 20 minutes.
6. Rinse your face and other areas with normal water.
7. This method will definitely help you to treat the acne issue properly if you follow it once daily.
4. Tomato and Yogurt
Tomato can be combined with yogurt to make a perfect acne-fighting paste. The lactobacillus bacteria culture of yogurt kills the bacteria that cause acne. Apart from that yogurt also contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, which dissolves the dead skin cells that often clog the skin pores and cause acne. The exfoliating properties of lactic acid fade the acne scars and skin redness. It also soothes the inflamed skin. In addition to that it works as a good moisturizer.
Things You Need Tomato – half Plain Yogurt – 2 tbsp A Bowl
Process: 1. Crush half a tomato to make a paste.
2. Add 2 tbsp of yogurt to it and mix thoroughly. 3. Apply the mixture on your acne-affected skin and leave for 20 minutes.
4. Rinse with normal water and pat dry with a clean towel.
5. Tomato and Manuka Honey Manuka honey is a good source of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a good source of antioxidants. It also contains hydrogen peroxide, which is used in the preparation of acne-fighting OTC medication. It breaks down the bacteria, thus helps in a great way to fight acne issues effectively. Things You Need: Tomato – 1 Honey – 1 tbsp A Bowl Process: Take the tomato and squeeze it to take out the juice. Add the honey to it and mix properly. Apply the mixture on your face and other areas that are affected by acne. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse the acne-affected areas with normal water. Use this home remedy for acne before going to bed to get the maximum benefits.
6. Tomato and Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a good source of Vitamin P, phytoncides and ascorbic acid which altogether prevent as well as stop the growth of the bacteria that cause acne. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C, which also helps to reduce the occurrence of acne. Lemon juice is effective for all types of skin.
Things You Need Tomato Juice – 1 tbsp Lemon Juice – 4 drops Cotton Ball – 1
Process: 1. Add 4 drops of fresh lemon juice to 1 tbsp of tomato juice and mix.
2. Soak the cotton ball in the mixture and then apply the mixed juice on the acne-affected areas.
3. Leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
4. Applying this mixture twice a day will not only give you an acne-free skin but will also make your skin look soft, supple, fair and glowing.
7. Tomato and Cucumber Juice
The mixture of tomato and cucumber juice helps to get rid of acne by reducing the oil content from your skin. The acid in tomato will shrink the pores that produce oil whereas cucumber juice will moisturize the skin. The anti-inflammatory property of cucumber juice offers a soothing effect to the acne affected skin. The application of cucumber juice also opens up the skin pores, thus helps to clean the dirt, oil and bacteria from the skin.
Things You Need: Tomato Pulp – 2 tbsp Cucumber Pulp – 2 tbsp
Process: 1. In a small bowl, take both the tomato and cucumber pulp.
2. Mix both the ingredients.
3. Apply the mixture on your acne-affected skin.
4. Leave for 1 hour, and then rinse the area with normal water.
5. Using this method daily once will help to reduce acne to a great extent. Note: If you are suffering from a painful acne condition, then you can add 2 tbsp of yogurt to this mixture and apply it on the affected area.
8. Tomato, Oatmeal and Lemon Juice
Oatmeal not only treats the acne issue but also reduces the symptoms associated with it. It offers a soothing and an exfoliating effect to the skin. Its application removes the dead skin cells, open up the skin pores, absorbs the excess oil from the skin and relaxes your skin by reducing the acne related discomfort.
Things You Need: Tomato – 1 Lemon Juice – 1 tsp Oatmeal – 1 tbsp
Process: 1. Chop the tomato and put it in a blender. 2. Add the oatmeal and lemon juice to the chopped tomato.
3. Blend all the ingredients to make a fine and thick paste.
4. Apply the paste on the acne affected area of the skin and leave for 15 minutes.
5. Remove the mask with the help of a warm wet cloth.
6. Follow this home remedy regularly to treat the acne issue effectively.
9. Tomato, Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil
Tea tree oil is a good source of skin healing properties. It offers a soothing effect to the irritated skin. It also reduces the skin inflammation and irritation. Loaded with an antioxidant property called tocopherols, jojoba oil protects the skin from free radical effects. Apart from that, its antibacterial nature prevents the growth of the acne-causing bacteria.
Things You Need: Medium Size Tomato – Half Tea Tree Oil – 3 to 5 drops Jojoba Oil – 1 tsp Warm Water – as per the requirement
Process: 1. Cut the tomato into small pieces and put the pieces into a blender
2. Pour the jojoba oil and tree tea oil to the blender, and then blend all the ingredients to make a smooth paste.
3. Apply the paste on the acne affected skin and leave for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with warm water.
5. Use this home remedy once daily to get rid of acne completely. Note: For best results, use only cold-pressed jojoba oil. Do not overdose jojoba oil as it may worsen the condition.
10. Tomato, Honey, Tea Tree Oil and Wheat Flour Face Mask
This face mask will not only give an acne-free skin with the antibacterial properties of its ingredients but will also offer brightness and glow to your skin.
Things You Need: Tomato – ½ Honey – 1 tbsp Tea Tree Oil – 3 to 4 drops Wheat Flour – 1 tbsp
Process: 1. Cut the tomato into small pieces and then put the pieces into a blender.
2. Blend it to make a smooth paste and then transfer the paste into a small bowl.
3. Add the honey, tea tree oil and wheat flour to it (wheat flour will provide a thickness to the mask.
4. Apply the mask on the acne-affected area and leave for 20 minutes.
5. Remove the mask with the help of a soft sponge. 6. Rinse with cold water.
7. Repeat this process daily once to control your acne issue effectively.
11. Tomato Juice and Milk Cleanser
The multiple properties of milk offer therapeutic benefits for acne treatment. In addition to that, the lactic acid in milk reduces the itching sensation that is caused due to acne. It also works as a good moisturizer.
Things You Need: Tomato – 1 Cow Milk – ¼ cup
Process: 1. Cut the tomato into small pieces and blend it to make a smooth paste.
2. Add the milk to it and mix properly.
3. Apply this mixture on the acne-affected areas and leave for 10 minutes.
4. Rinse with normal water.
5. Use this home remedy for acne daily to get the results soon.
6. You can store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator for further use.
12. Tomato and Mint for Acne
Mint is a good source of salicylic acid, which prevents the clogging of the skin pores by removing the dead skin cells. Due to this property of mint, it is used in various OTC acne medications. Also, its astringent properties reduce the oiliness of the skin (it is one of the main causes of acne) to a great extent. Its application certainly helps to reduce the acne issue. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory property reduces the swelling, redness and itchiness of the acne-affected skin.
Things You Need: Tomato – 1 Fresh Mint Leaves – 12 to 15
Process: 1. Clean the tomato and cut it into small pieces.
2. Blend both the tomato pieces and the mint leaves to make a fine paste.
3. Apply the paste on the acne-affected area and leave for 20 to 25 minutes.
4. Use cold water to rinse.
5. Follow this effective home remedy that uses tomato for acne to get maximum results.
13. Tomato and Turmeric Since agesT
Turmeric has occupied a special place in skin care regime. The active ingredient curcumin which is present in turmeric treats acne with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Things You Need: Turmeric Powder -1 tsp Tomato Juice – 2 tsp
Process: 1. In a small bowl take the tomato juice and the turmeric powder.
2. Mix both ingredients well to make a paste.
3. Apply this paste on the acne-affected area and leave for half an hour
. 4. Rinse the area with cold water and pat dry.
5. Following this method regularly will help you solve your acne problem soon.
14. Tomato and Aloe Vera face Mask
Aloe vera is considered as a blessing for the skin. Its use cures almost all the skin ailments. Aloe vera is a good source of anti-inflammatory properties. Its use offers a soothing effect to the irritated, inflamed and painful skin that is caused due to acne.
Things You Need: Tomato Pulp – 1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel – 1 tbsp
Process: 1. In a small bowl take the aloe vera gel and the tomato pulp.
2. Mix both the ingredients well so that it makes a smooth paste.
3. Apply this paste on your acne and leave for 25 to 30 minutes.
4. Rinse off with clean water and pat dry.
5. Follow this process daily once to get rid of acne completely.
6. In addition to treat acne, this remedy also makes your skin glow. Precautions to Follow While Using Tomato for Acne While you are treating your acne issue with tomatoes, follow the precautions that are mentioned below to avoid worsening of the condition. Avoid direct sunrays on your skin after treating your skin with tomato home remedies as you may get sunburn. Vitamin A makes the skin more prone to sunburn and tomato is a good source of Vitamin A. You should also avoid using any medicine on the acne-affected skin within one hour of using tomato home remedies. If you are using tomato for acne, then do not use any products on the skin that have peeling agents like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur. Also, avoid using skin care products that have abrasive or drying effects on the skin if you are going for tomato remedies to get rid of acne. Tips to Prevent Acne You can very well go for the methods that are mentioned above to treat acne but it is always better if you prevent it in the first place. Let’s know about certain tips that we can follow in our daily routine to keep the acne vulgaris at bay. Keep your skin clean of dirt, impurities, dead skin cells and extra oil. Wash your face as well as other acne-prone areas twice daily with warm water. Wash your hands before washing your face. Do not rub your skin too harshly. Exfoliate your skin at least once in a week. Remove your make-up before going to bed as it clogs the skin pores and cause acne. Control your hands to touch the acne again and again as the bacteria in the hands may worsen the condition. Do not share your things like towels, make-up brushes and hair band with the person who is already suffering from acne. Keep your pillow cases clean as the oil, dirt and dead skin cells in your pillow case can become the cause of facial acne. Hydrate your body by drinking lots of water daily. Drinking sufficient amount of water removes toxins from the body. Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Include grains, fruits, salads, lean proteins, nuts and seeds in your diet to prepare your body to fight against acne. Eat more green vegetables. Include more tomatoes in your daily diet. Avoid taking diet with high-glycemic content, such as chocolate, fried food, pizza, etc. Stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol. The toxins in alcohol and tobacco cause acne as well as worsen it. Try to keep yourself stress-free by exercising daily. Stress is one of the causes of acne. Also, have sufficient amount of sleep to keep yourself free of stress. Now, you know how to use this easily found vegetable tomato to get rid of acne. These tomato home remedies are not only easy to prepare and use but also help treat the acne issue effectively. So go for these tomato home remedies for acne for that beautiful, soft and acne-free skin.
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This is great thanks
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